Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » January
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Is this on the best answers ever on Family Feud?
January 7th, 2017 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked, “We asked 100 married men, name one thing your wife likes better than you?” The first two guys up at the buzzer answered, “jewelry” and “clothes,” and neither was on the board. Then the Family Feud host went to teenager Tre and he said, “Another man!”
Harvey and the other two men felt the pain of the answer which shockingly also wasn’t up there. What was the first answer that was up there that someone guessed? “Kids”
I still think, “another man,” should’ve been up there, but I guess the husband really is always the last to know!


Jodie Sweetin’s sweet new do
January 7th, 2017 under Full House, Haircut, Jodie Sweetin. [ Comments: none ]

Jodie Sweetin has had the same hairstyle for years, and now she finally changed it up. Her long locks are now down to shoulders with long bangs and it is banging. You can tell she is ready to let go and have some fun with it. Which will probably be season 3 of Fuller House.


Grimm is back for its final chapter
January 6th, 2017 under Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p is Grimm’s final season premiere on NBC. If this episode is any hint what we can expect from the final episodes, they are going out with a spectacular bang.
Nick (David Giuntoli) and Renard (Sasha Roiz) are still in their epic battle and both will go to great lengths to kill the other one. Renard has the police force on his side while Nick has friends, who are in smaller numbers but they are more powerful. They are also smarter, and they will come up with a brilliant way to take down Renard. You will love what they do, but there will be consequences for Nick.
Who will win? We will have to tune every week to find out and you will want to tune in.


Little girl can’t stop saying the F-Word!
January 6th, 2017 under Babies. [ Comments: none ]
Anyone who has driven with a young child in the car, knows that it is hard not to curse out another driver who cuts you off. Well, you try not to say F-word, but then you accidentally do. As soon as the k has left your mouth, behind you hear the word you just said. You quickly regret it and try not laugh because that just encourages them.
Well, what if you have an older kid in the automobile, who has been through and knows that is a bad word. The good brother will tell his little sister, “Don’t say that word.” She being younger and cuter will repeat it to him. He repeats the instruction, and she repeats the word over and over again.
All you can do is hope for a red light so that you can laugh your a$$ off and not get into a car accident. How would you explain to your insurance company why you just rear ended the car in front of you.
Thankfully, we weren’t in the car, but we still get to enjoy that parent’s pain and joy. It’s like the Who’s on First for toddlers!


Ed Sheeran loves the Shape of You and I’m in love with his new songs
January 6th, 2017 under Ed Sheeran. [ Comments: 4 ]

After what seems like forever, Ed Sheeran is finally back with new music. The singer released two new songs today. I was hoping that one of them would be a ballad that highlights his velvety voice, but instead Shape of You and Castle on the Hill are Pop. I am not complaining because I can’t stop listening to them, I just wanted something smoother like him.
How do you like the shape of his new tunes?


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