Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » January
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Charlie Sheen disses Selma Blair and Jenny McCarthy!
January 12th, 2017 under Andy Cohen, Charlie Sheen. [ Comments: 5 ]

Andy Cohen asked Charlie Sheen to play Plead the Fifth on Watch What Happens Live and his answers definitely lit up the Eiffel Tower. As in the elevator at the French landmark is the craziest place he has had sex. While he kiss and told on that, the Major League star wouldn’t reveal which celebrity from the ’80s or ’90s would blow our minds that he scored a grand slam with. Who could it be?
When it comes to how he feels about four of his female co-stars he likes from most favorite to least. He had to choose from Selma Blair, Lindsay Lohan, Jenny McCarthy and Heather Locklear. His Spin City star was his most favorite and he wishes he could stop there. Then he said this about his Scary Movie bedmate, “Lindsay is a trip. She’s work but she’s cool. She’s fun to look at.” When it comes to his lovers on Anger Management and Two and a Half Men, he said, “I would like to mash those two up together…and kick them to the curb.” Then he added, “They deserve each other.” Is that a good thing or a bad thing for them that he dissed them? I am going with bad because if he has a low opinion of you that probably means you are lower than him. Right?


Ed Sheeran freshens up the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme!
January 12th, 2017 under Ed Sheeran, Will Smith. [ Comments: none ]
Ed Sheeran was on Capital FM and fan asked him to sing the theme song to her other love Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The DJ told him he didn’t have to do it, but before he could even finish saying that, the singer started playing his guitar. Instead of singing it as is, he gave the tune his own special touch. I never thought that song could be any better, but he found a way!
I know he announced that his 3rd album will come out on 3/3, but I hope there is still time to add this to the tracklist. It is the best song of his that I have heard since Shape of You and Castle on the Hill.


Hot Links!
January 12th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess? – Dlisted

Miley Cyrus naked – The Nip Slip

Hilary Duff got butt – Moe Jackson

Natalie Portman looks ready to pop – Celebslam

Which actress is playing Santa? – The Wow Report

Which Oscar winner is a homewrecker? – Celebitchy


Conan O’Brien shows Jeff Goldblum if the carpet matches the drapes!
January 11th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Goldblum has been doing Conan O’Brien’s late night shows since 1993 and the host realized that his guest never ages. Therefore, he wanted to know the Fly’s secret is to ageing. As the conversation went on, Goldblum focused on Conan’s red hair and how there are no greys in sight. But is the ginger natural? The TBS host stood up and showed him that yes it is. Too bad his back was to the cameras at the time.
I know Goldblum did a film called Earth Girls Are Easy, tonight he found out so are the men!


BTWF roles: Jeff Goldblum in Annie Hall
January 11th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jeff Goldblum was a leading man, he had just one line in Annie Hall. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1977 movie.


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