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January 15th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who's showing us he is British? – Dlisted

Lena Dunham TMI – Celebitchy

Ashley Graham's nude butt? – The Nip Slip

Remember Renee Zellwegger? – Celebslam

Katy Perry got Donald Trump's hair – GCeleb

Is Lady Gaga playing Donatella? – Farandulista

Remember that actress from Charles in Charge? – Moe Jackson


Tonight’s The Simpson is so epic, it’s an hour!
January 15th, 2017 under The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]
Even though The Simpsons has been on 28 seasons, they have never had an one hour episode. That is until tonight at 8p on Fox and it is jam packed with laughs and Rap! But I have said too much for now.
Mr Burns has a party at his Mid Hamptons’ summer estate and invites everyone we love from Springfield. Sadly, it is such a cheap dud that all the guests but Homer leaves. As the two men are sitting and talking, they notice a party at the mansion across the way. When they get there Hip Hop icon Jay G is throwing the White Party of the Century and he has connection to Mr Burns. The business man’s book was such an inspiration that the Rapper became the mogul that he is today. The two of them bond and Jay G reignites Monty’s passion to spend his money again. Burns gets so into it, that he spends it all of it and finds out Jay G set out to destroy the former tycoon.
Now Mr Burns is out to get revenge and he recruits Jay G’s wife (Taraji P Henson), RZA, Snoop Dogg and Common for a Revenge Rap. But Jay G wins them back. There is only way for Burns to burn Jay G and it might be too far even for him. It is something you have to see to believe!
Besides all of that Rapping, Lisa starts to date a really rich kid who she tries to make less superficial. Can she do it?
Then in the second half hour, Marge opens a store. You’ll never believe what she is selling. Will anyone but us buy it?
Did I mention there are several Hip Hop songs in the hour long gem? Guess how many are sung by The Simpsons?
Even though tonight’s episode is an hour it feels like a half hour and you will want it to be two hours long because it is that awesome!


Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus ends its 146 year run in May
January 15th, 2017 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus announced yesterday that after 146 years the show won’t go on past May. They explained in the statement, “The decision to end the circus tours was made as a result of high costs coupled with a decline in ticket sales, making the circus an unsustainable business for the company. Following the transition of the elephants off the circus, the company saw a decline in ticket sales greater than could have been anticipated.”
I know people will hate me for saying this, but I am sad to see it go. I can still remember the fun time I had as a kid when my parents first took me to see it. I wasn’t even as old as all the fingers on my hand, but I can remember driving there with anticipation, watching the show with excitement and wanting to go see it again and again. I did. It brought a smile to my face and millions, probably billions, of other kids’ faces over the century and a half, and it is shame that future generations won’t be able to see it. Who doesn’t need a clown? Or several of them coming out of a tiny car every now and again? I know I do.
So thank you for the memories, sorry that babies around the US won’t be able to have the same ones.


Saturday Night Live really went for it yesterday!
January 15th, 2017 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Alec Trump, I mean Donald Baldwin, I mean Alec Baldwin was back as Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live and they combined all of his scandals of the week into one 8 minute cold open. The rumors he paid people to applaud and cheer for him at his press conference, the folders filled with blank pages, the uncalled for dissing of the great American John Lewis, Golden Showers and many more fake news items that are actually real. It was so right on, I don’t know if it is real or a parody. What do you think?


Would you get on this flight?
January 14th, 2017 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was Friday the 13th and Finnair Flight 666 from Copenhagen to HEL took off at 13:00 hours and yes there were people on it. I don’t know about you, but there is no way in HELl you could get me on a flight whose number is 666 and it is taking to me to HEL. I hated flying into MIA which is on the outer part of the Bermuda Triangle, but I didn’t have a choice. I feel like with that option there is always another choice.
If you do decide that you would get on that flight that day, there are still seats available for Finnair Flight 666 on Friday, October 13, 2017 to HEL at 13:00.


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