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Are you going to tune in for Britney Ever After?
January 23rd, 2017 under Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]

Lifetime just released the first trailer for Britney Ever After that airs on February 18th and I am shockingly looking forward to watching it. It looks like it will cover all those toxic and infamous moments. As happy as I am that she is better now, I admit I can’t help but look at an accident as I drive by it. This telemovie looks like just that.


Louis Tomlinson responds to if there is tension between One Direction
January 23rd, 2017 under One Direction, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

It has been over a year since One Direction went on hiatus and Ryan Seacrest wanted to know if there is any update on the band from Louis Tomlinson, who was on his radio show today. The 1Der responded by saying, “Everyone is trying their own thing, you know. I think we worked so relentlessly for 5 years that we all definitely needed a bit of space, a bit of time for ourselves. Do things that we couldn’t have done inside the band.” Then he added, “We are all super supportive. All the boys came to the X-Box performance.” At the point the On Air DJ asked Louis to confirm that there no tension between the band and the singer told him, “honestly there isn’t.” Granted he didn’t elaborate if Zayn Malick was part of the mix or not.
When it comes to an update on when or if 1D will reunite to record some new music together, we will just have to wait and see or should I say hear. I can’t wait for them to get back together because I actually like their music.


Ed Sheeran’s Castle on the Hill perfectly captures teenage years!
January 23rd, 2017 under Ed Sheeran. [ Comments: none ]

Whether you grew up in the UK, US or USSR, we all had that group of friends when we were teens that will forever be part of your life. You would drink and smoke with them, experience your sexual firsts together and just share your angst with them. No matter how old we all get, you remember those times with a smile on your face and can’t wait to see them again. When you do it is like no time has passed.
That is what Ed Sheeran’s music video for his song Castle on the Hill depicts. The location might be different, but the memories are the same. Sit back and get ready to smile. Then grab your phone because you are going to want to call some old friends.


Star Wars: Episode VIII finally gets a name!
January 23rd, 2017 under Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Star Wars: Episode VIII finished filming back in July, it didn’t get a name until today. The next episode in the franchise will be know as…Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What does that mean for Luke Skywalker? We will have to wait until December 15th to find out. Hopefully, it won’t be spoiled for me during the first weekend like the last one. Which is why I still haven’t seen Star Wars: A Force Awakens.
Anyways back to the movie until 10 days before Christmas, we are left to wonder what is left for the final episode in the series…


Zoolander 2 and Batman v Superman dominate the Razzies!
January 23rd, 2017 under Razzies movies?. [ Comments: none ]

When it comes to the big movie awards show like the Oscars and the Golden Globes, I could care less. Those movies don’t interest me and I can’t remember the last time I saw one of the nominees let alone winners.
Now when it comes to the Razzies, I am excited every year to see who gets nominated and who wins. Not only because I am a proud member, but also because I will watch the loser to see if it as bad as my fellow voters say it is.
Although I don’t know if I could sit through either 9-time nominee Zoolander 2 or 8-time nom Batman v Superman. Instead I will watch 3-time nominee Boo! A Madea Halloween. I actually want to see that. Unlike Blah Blah Land or Manchester by the see me cry a Sea.
Do you prefer the bad movies over the good ones or the Oscar worthy over the Razztastic ones?
To see who else got nominated for the 37th Annual Golden Raspberry, then click here!


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