Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » December
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BTWF ads: Haley Joel Osment for Kraft Cheese
December 22nd, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Haley Joel and Emily Osment. [ Comments: none ]

Before Haley Joel Osment was seeing dead people in The Sixth Sense, he was seeing snap dragons for Kraft Cheese. How awwwwwwwwwdorale was the 4 year old in that 1992 ad?


Josh Groban’s bad hair day
December 22nd, 2016 under Bad Hair, Josh Groban. [ Comments: none ]

For the most part, it is women who have bad hair days. Josh Groban proved to us that men too can have them. Here he is with locks being all unruly, so unruly he was forced into grooming. Thankfully the look works for The Great Comet. Well almost!
When it comes to the scruffier look, I think Grobanites will take him any way he looks! Can you blame them?


Of course, Mariah Carey dances to herself!
December 22nd, 2016 under Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on

Mariah Carey posted this video of herself and Roc dancing to her huge holiday hit All I Want For Christmas Is You. At first, you think it is so sweet that a mother and son dance around like that, but then you think about it. She is wearing a silk robe and sexy nightgown to cook some pasta sauce. Who else doses that besides her? Wait and she cooks own sauce? For some reason, I think the assistant did all the work before they hit record. Then again maybe she secretly is a Chef. Why not? Would not be the most surprising reveal in this video.
And back to the video, let’s just go with how sweet it is. Plus, Roc has moves just like his dad Nick Cannon! Who knows maybe in 15 years Dem Babies will have a Donny & Marie type variety show? Why not they got the talent!


Conan O’Brien is so on Santa Claus’ naughty list!
December 22nd, 2016 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Thing I love most about Conan O’Brien is he is the only late night show host who is willing to take a joke so far you know there is a special place in Hell for him. Next to me of course, but still.
Anyways, the TBS late night show came up with a fake commercial for The Toilet Santa. It is a life-sized Santa that sits on the back of your loo and you get to pee and poop with him. So wrong and so right!


Watch Morris Chrestnut roasting by an open fire!
December 22nd, 2016 under James Corden. [ Comments: 4 ]

Sometimes a late night bit doesn’t need any words to be hysterically brilliant, and this skit from The Late Late Show with James Corden is just that. It is Morris Chestnut roasting by an open fire. Forget the Yule Log, I am putting this Christmas Carols and watching this on a loop this Sunday morning!


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