Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » August
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Is this Kenzo Perfume ad one of the worst commercials ever?
August 31st, 2016 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]
Spike Jonze directed an ad with Andie McDowell’s daughter dancing around like an idiot at Lincoln Center and it stinks as much as the perfume they are selling. The only way you would know what perfume it is for if you stuck around to watch the whole thing. But why would you want to if you didn’t have to?
Since you didn’t, it is for Kenzo World. I don’t if it really stinks, I just assume it is as bad as the ad.


This giant black slug is what Syfy movies are all about
August 31st, 2016 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

I have lived in Los Angeles for 15 years and I never considered moving because of Earthquakes, Mudslides or Wildfires. Today, I have discovered the one thing that is making me considering moving back to the East Coast and that is a Giant Black Slug.
Brave Wilderness‘ Coyote Peterson traveled to San Pedro with Tide Pool expert Aron Sanchez in search of the Giant Black Slug and they found it. When Coyote picked it up, he said it weighed around 10lbs and was about 2’ feet when it fully elongated itself.
I don’t know about you, but seeing the slimy creature is enough to give me nightmares for many many weeks. I know they said it is like of a lot Angelinos and Vegan, but still I have seen one too many horror movies with his smaller relatives sucking on the blood of humans.
On that note, why isn’t Syfy working on a movie based on this creature of the sea? They don’t have to have a catchy title for it, they can just call it Giant Black Slugs and people will be tuning in for it. They can have Screech and Eurkel vs the Giant Black Slugs. Instant hit, I am off to pitch it now. Does anyone have a number for the right person to contact?
Coming to Syfy in 2017, Giant Black Slugs!


Has Demi Lovato hit hard times?
August 31st, 2016 under Demi Lovato, Hard times. [ Comments: none ]

Demi Lovato is on tour with her ex-boyfriend’s brother and you would think that she would be doing OK financially? Yet while Nick Jonas and her had a stop over in Denver, Colorado, she was seen driving for Lyft. Does that mean their tour isn’t going so well? Nope, it just means that she is helping to promote the taxi alternative.
I wonder how much insurance Lyft took out for this promotion. You know, because she is such a klutz, I would be afraid to let her drive a car.
Oh and do you think her chin looks like a butt? I do now.


Halle Berry makes 50 look vivacious
August 31st, 2016 under Halle Berry. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when you heard that someone was 50 years old, you thought they were over the hill and their life was over? Thanks to Halle Berry, that is no longer the case. The Oscar winner showed off her half century old body in a bikini and she looks better than she did when she was a quarter of a century. In fact, many 25 year olds would love to look like her at their current age, let alone when they double their age to be her current one.
Seriously, doesn’t she look fantastic?


What Stranger Things are ahead for season 2?
August 31st, 2016 under Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

Stranger Things became a summer phenomenon and the fans wanted to know if it would be back for a second season. After many weeks of waiting, Netflix has ended their suffering. They announced today that it will be back with 9 all new episodes next year, one more than the first.
But my questions is, why didn’t they do 11 in honor of Eleven?


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