Bones most shocking cliffhanger ever! |
July 21st, 2016 under Bones. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p, it is finally time for Bones‘ season finale on Fox and they end it with a major cliffhanger. One so major, it will leave your mouth on the floor.
The Puppeteer has claimed a new victim and the serial killer has transformed her to be like Bones. Meanwhile, Dr Brennan (Emily Deschanel) has been having dreams about their latest murderer. Has she figured out who it is or are they just nightmares?
Bones (David Boreanaz) and Aubrey (John Boyd) think they might’ve caught their guy, but just as they do something happens that changes everything.
Something that will make you really mad at Fox because the procedural doesn’t have a return date as of now. Therefore, we don’t know when we are going to find out what happens next. We will want to know because how they ended it is so good, you are going want to know more and you are going to want to know it now.
Think you have a hint how this season ends? You don’t, but it is something Bones fans will love.
Watch a man pull a car with his nipples |
July 21st, 2016 under America's Got Talent. [ Comments: none ]
Last time, Baron of the Universe was on America’s Got Talent, he lifted a heavy weight with just his nipples. Yesterday, he upped his game by pulling a car with them. A feat so great, that you will find yourself grabbing your nipples as you watch him. In fact, you won’t be able to remove your hands for a while afterwards.
In case you wondering how his nipples are, Simon Cowell asked that very question. He told the King of Mean that they are, “very good. They are absolutely fine.” His might be, but ours are not.
The only thing worse was Howie Mandel’s joke to the nipplifter. It was, “I could see something like this in Vegas and you offer valet parking..People leave their cars in front of the theater and you bring it into the parking areola.” Maybe the next time Baron is on the show, he lifts Mandel with just his nipples. This way the comedian can see what it looks like up close and we can get revenge on him for that joke.
How White is the Republican National Convention? |
July 21st, 2016 under Jimmy Kimmel, Politics. [ Comments: none ]
We all know that the Republican party is the White party, and not the type that is thrown in Palm Springs or at P Diddy’s house. How White is it? Jimmy Kimmel Live did a compilation of people dancing at the Republican National Convention and rhythm is one of the many things they don’t have.
But at least we have another reason to laugh at them. In fact, even our laughing at them is more on beat then they will ever be.
Dakota Johnson goes all Fifty Shades of Grey on herself? |
July 21st, 2016 under Dakota Johnson, Fifty Shades. [ Comments: 4 ]

Dakota Johnson shared a photo of herself in a car with one hand appearing to be not so innocently between her legs. So has playing Anastasia Steele in Fifty Shades gone from influencing her reel life to her real life? All she said was, “I’ll have an order of Identity Crisis with a side of What’s My Hand Doing, #please.” So what do you think her hand is doing?
Lena Dunham needs to zip up |
July 21st, 2016 under Lena Dunham. [ Comments: 1 ]

Lena Dunham wore a one piece that needs to be zipped up, but she didn’t do that. In fact, the zipper was open all the way past her belly button. A look that didn’t work during the Disco era, and it definitely doesn’t work today. At least in the ’70s, they were smart enough to cover up their chests with a lot of gold chains. Something she didn’t do, so we got to see a lot of pasty white shin.
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