Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » March
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Hot Links!
March 27th, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who is the lady in red? – Dlisted

Bella Thorne in leather – GCeleb

Who got her first ink? – The Blemish

Pamela Anderson braless – The Nip Slip

Whose offspring turned out normal? – THS

Not a good angel for Mischa Barton? – Celebslam

Is J-Law dating a much older director? – Celebitchy


Batman vs Superman says knock you out at the box office!
March 27th, 2016 under Batman, Superman/Spider-Man. [ Comments: none ]
Batman vs Superman brought in an estimated $170,100,000 this weekend in The US, making it the #1 opening weekend at the box office in the Spring, in March, during the Easter holiday weekend, for DC Comics, for Batman and for Superman releases to date. According to Box Office Mojo, it earned around $40,099 per theater and it was shown in 4,242 theaters. Pretty super!
So super, it makes sense that Jimmy Fallon had the animated versions of Batman and Superman sing LL Cool J’s Mama Say Knock You Out because that is what it did to a lot of other previous record holders.
One interesting note, even though DC comics dominates on the small screen, it does not translate to the big screen. Batman vs Superman has the 4th best opening weekend in the comic book world, Marvel Comics still holds the top three slots.


Watch Matt Stonie eats 200 Peeps in less that 15 minutes!
March 27th, 2016 under Awesome Videos, Eating Contests, Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. [ Comments: none ]

What would Easter be without Peeps? No matter how much you try to avoid them, they still come back to haunt you. No one as much as competitive eater Matt Stonie.
The Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest’s winner decided to eat 200 of them in record breaking time. What happens if you eat 200 of the sugar covered marshmallows? Watch to find out.
I don’t know how he did it because I feel sick after eating just one and I am already on a sugar high from it too. He downed several of them before he looked like he was going to have Peep colored puke. Which will look even grosser than the chickadees. That is what they are, right?


Happy Easter!
March 27th, 2016 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]
May all of your eggs only be covered with chocolate and not the other brown stuff.
Happy Easter!


James Van Der Beek welcomes baby #4!
March 26th, 2016 under Dawsons Creek, James Van Der Beek. [ Comments: none ]

James Van Der Beek and his wife Kimberly welcomed the fourth child on Wednesday. Emilia joins Olivia, 5, Joshua, 4, and Annabel, 2.
No word when they have will #5, but I would assume in about 3 years if you follow their math.


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