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Kelly Clarkson reminds us what American Idol is all about!
February 26th, 2016 under American Idol 1-5, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: 1 ]
I remember the magic we all felt during the first season of American Idol and watching Kelly Clarkson win it all. But as the show went on, it lost that loving feeling. So much so that this is the final season.
Now almost 15 years later, Clarkson is about to give birth as the show that made her a star is about to die. Before both of those things happen, she graced the Idol stage one last time and sang her song Piece By Piece. A song with so much emotion and heart, that not only wasn’t she able to complete the song because she broke down crying, so did several of the judges, the contestants, the audience and me. It was like that scene in The Natural when Robert Redford hit it out of the park. Instead of sparks raining down, it was tears.
This is American Idol. Too bad the current singers aren’t creating a moment like this. Maybe if they were, the show wouldn’t be ending. But it is, piece by piece.


Lucy Hale says that Pretty Little Liars is ending
February 26th, 2016 under Freeform, James Corden, Lucy Hale. [ Comments: none ]

Lucy Hale was on The Late Late Show yesterday and James Corden asked her if the rumors are true that the show is ending next season. After trying to avoid the answer she told him, “It is ending.” What? Then she added, “We’ve been doing it for 6 years. I’ve literally spent my 20’s on the show and I think that all good things come to an end.” But then she said, “Who knows what can happen?” Even though she loves the people she works with and the show, it is just time.
At that point, the CBS late night host asked her how she wants the soapy drama to end. She told him, “I used to say I wanted the show to end, walking away in the sunset. They are all happy, living an A free life. No drama.” But now there is a, “But, I don’t. I want it to end really tragically.”
Are you sad that she made the news official or did you want the show to go on and on and on? I think the actresses are ready to move to bigger and better things, and I can’t wait to see what is next for them. Hale truly is a star in the making and so are her co-stars Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell.


Hot Links!
February 25th, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who needs to stop trying to be sexy? – Dlisted

Adele's cleavage – Celebitchy

A Katy Perry upskirt – GCeleb

Whose stuff is getting repoed – THS

Remember Rebecca Gayheart? – Celebslam

Ariel Winter on her breast reduction – The Blemish

Which actress turned reality star is doing DWTS? – Reality Tea

Kendall Jenner's wax figure looks more real than her – The Nip Slip


This movie edition of Mean Tweets deserves an Oscar!
February 25th, 2016 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

I have to admit that the last few Mean Tweets haven’t been as good on Jimmy Kimmel Live, but tonight we found out good things comes to those who wait!
You knew it was going to be great when Oscar winner Patricia Arquette read a Tweet about her teeth and laughed about it. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Next up was George Clooney, and he read, “If that gross ratty old man George Clooney can find a girl…you regular fellas in the Twitterverse must be drowning in p@ssy.” I love that the Millennials don’t know that he used to be an sex symbol before he became a pompous a$$hole. Sorry that rhymed and that is why I went with that.
They also got it right describing Kevin Costner’s movies, Seth Rogen as being a fatter version of Dustin Diamond and Sean Penn being just the whole crotch area, front and back.
But the best one was an unintentional mistake from Richard Dreyfuss, who mistook a key word in his Tweet. The error made his Mean Tweet even meaner and funnier. But then again all of these Mean Tweets were meaner and funnier this time around, so sit back and enjoy them all.


BTWF roles: Mark Ruffalo in Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance
February 25th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 41:55 in)

Before Mark Ruffalo was fighting off super villains in The Avengers, he needed to smash an evil mirror in Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance. He looks the same now as he did when he was 26 in that 1994 horror movie.


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