Jessica Simpson shared a photo of her daughter holding a milkshake and Maxi Drew is going to be trouble. The 3 year old posed with her hand on him hip and it’s better than yours.
I used to pose like that when I was her age, and I am trouble now. So that is how I know the cute toddler will be the same.
Barber Shapp posted a video of the above haircut and asked, “Quirky, Stylish and Smooth? Is this a new trend in the making?” The only trend it is starting is people all agreeing that they hate it.
That poor woman had gorgeous long straight blonde hair, and now she is going to have to shave her head because no one is going to want to walk around with that hairstyle. Would you?
Today on Live with Kelly and Michael, Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan debuted their wax statues.
As I was looking to see who was the real person and which was the life-sized candle, I couldn’t help but to notice the carbon copy of the football player’s goal post. It was standing up taller than an uber fan watching their team score the winning touchdown during the Super Bowl game in the final minute of the fourth quarter. Or maybe the TV host put his microphone in his pocket and it went through the hole in pants and it is just standing there. Or maybe the sculptor made the wax statue as an exact duplicate of the person it is modeled after, and we just never noticed him before now.
What do you think is the explanation for the bulge? Or do you think I need help due to the fact that I noticed that? Because I am starting to lean towards the latter.
Susan Lucci was on vacation in St Barth’s and she decided to soak up the sun while she was there. The best way to do that is put on a bikini and go for a swim in the ocean. Then when it was time to come out of the water, her husband snapped a photo of her and she looks freaking fantastic.
Are you sitting down because the woman with that body is 69 years old and a grandmother. She has a figure that people who are a third of her age wish they could have.
If this is what we have to look forward to when we are senior citizens, I am not as afraid to get old.
When I was a little kid, Pete’s Dragon was one my favorite movies. I drove my parents crazy watching it over and over and over again.
Now, nearly 40 years later, Disney has decided to remake the classic movie. Only problem is that they turned the sweet lovable musical into a Jurassic Park wannabe. WTF?
How can they destroy a family favorite like that? I thought CGI was going to ruin it, but it looks the J.J. Abrams era of filmmaking might have done it in. Doesn’t the trailer feel like Cloverfield or Super 8?
The only thing that makes me stop crying after watching this teaser trailer is re-watching Pete’s Song from the original Pete’s Dragon.