Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » September
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Welcome to The Tonight Show, home of the Good Burger reunion!
September 24th, 2015 under Jimmy Fallon, Nickelodeon. [ Comments: 2 ]

The Tonight Show has been able to reunite the casts of California Dreams and Saved By the Bell to name a few and now Jimmy Fallon reunited Kenan & Kel. Not only did the NBC host do that, he had them recreate Good Burger. And it was not only good, it was All That and so much more!
So sit back with some Good Fries and watch this bloobity bit!
I hope The Tonight Show considers doing All That reunion next with the original cast? How awesome would that be?

UPDATE: Nickelodeon finally made it official! The Splat is coming to computers and TVs near you starting on October 5th, so now you can enjoy your favorite Nick shows from ’90s whenever you want on TeenNick and The Splat. What more could a child of the ’90s want?


Did this Ellen DeGeneres bit trump all of her other ones?
September 24th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ellen DeGeneres has done some great bits throughout her show’s run, but I think this one might be her best one yet. She took last week’s Republican Debate and edited out all the Presidential Candidates that weren’t named Donald Trump. So she has The Donald debating The Donald, and it is his dream and our nightmare. But it shows what a narcissist childlike bully the 69 year old truly is. That and it worked perfectly. Don’t you think it is HUGE?


The only way James Corden could star in Phantom of the Opera
September 24th, 2015 under James Corden. [ Comments: none ]
Two weeks ago, James Corden got to be part of the touring production of Phantom of the Opera and he thought he would be the lead. He was wrong, he was just a bit player in the background. Well, he found a way to make it so he is the Phantom. How? Doing a street version of the musical. That’s right, he took it to the streets of the Fairfax District and entertained people in their cars as they were stopped at a red light. Had he done that on Broadway, he would’ve been dead by the first note because NYers don’t do well when someone causes them even more traffic than they already deal with. Luckily for him LAers are much nicer and let him perform until the light turned green.
Now that he has done Grease and Phantom on the street, maybe next time he will do 42nd Street? Seems logical, right?


Hot Links!
September 23rd, 2015 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who looks like she wet her pants? – Dlisted

Too much cleavage! – Celebslam

Jessica Simpson's boob look bigger? – GCeleb

Lea Michele shows off her "cleavage" – The Nip Slip

Who walked out on an interview and why? – The Blemish

Which Mad Men star might Jon Hamm be porking? – THS

What won't Donald Trump talk about anymore? – Celebitchy


These movie dance scenes have Uptown Funk!
September 23rd, 2015 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

What’s the Mashup? took 100 dance scenes and put them to Uptown Funk, and what we got is the funkiest video you will see all day! It’s amazing how even the whitest dancers can be funky with the right song. Right?
The only movies this brilliant mashup is missing is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Center Stage, Can’t Buy Me Love, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Rent. Even without those five, I can’t help but to smile every time I watch it because you can’t watch it just once.


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