Before Jack Coleman was planning a wedding on Heroes Reborn, he just got married and was taking his honeymoon on The Love Boat. How handsome was the 28 year old in that 1985 episode?
Ever since 2 Broke Girls started, we have pretty much only seen Kat Dennings wearing a mustard and ketchup colored waitress uniform. Well, for the 100th episode, they decided to change things up for her. Instead of wearing that ugly yellow and red dress, she wore a black and white French Maid one.
Will it stay? Probably, not. But I am sure if the boys had their way, it would. Do you think it should be her look for the next 100.
No word when the show will be back, but hopefully as soon as Life in Pieces and Angel From Hell get cancelled because both of those comedies suck harder than Max on a good first date! Yes, I have been watching 2 Broke Girls since episode one and that is the type of humor that goes with the sitcom.
Matt Stonie won the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest this July 4th, and he is still eating his way through fast food.
He recently challenged himself to beat the current Guinness Book of World Records record of downing the most Big Macs in an hour. The current record is 17 in 60 minutes, and he decided to top that by 8. That’s right, he drove to the nearest McDonald’s and ordered 25 of them. Then he went home, lined them up and put on the timer. One by one, he gobbled them up and within 12 minutes he tied the record. Ten minutes after that, he had finished all 25. When he was done, he was looking worse for wear, which is totally understandable because I felt the same after just watching him.
Especially when you consider he consumed 11 pounds of food, 13,250 calories and 825 grams of fat in just 22 minutes. What is so frustrating is how he still remains skinny after eating all of that. Well after he takes a major poop because his belly swelled to size of a Kim Kardashian who is 9 months pregnant.
You know what, for some reason, I am craving a Big Mac, so off I go. Do you want one or will you never eat one again?
Five years after we said goodbye Heroes, they are Reborn tonight at 8p on NBC for a 13 hour event. Before I tell you about what you can expect from Heroes Reborn, here are 5 things you should know.
1. You did not have to watch the original series to appreciate the reboot. Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman) will be filling in the missing details for the newbies and the oldies according to the show’s creator Tim Kring.
2. The show picks up in real time, so five years and half years after the first one ended.
3. Only handful of the Heroes from the first series will appear in this one, they are Bennet, Hiro (Masi Oka), Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg), Mrs. Patrelli (Cristine Rose), The Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis) and Mohinder Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy).
4. Robbie Kay, who stars in Heroes Reborn was only 11 years old when Heroes debuted, so he was too young watch it.
5. Heroes Reborn is 13 hours and out. If it were to get picked up for another season, there would be a new storyline with new Evos/Heroes.
Now that you know that, here is what is happening on Heroes Reborn. Since we left Odessa, Tx. Heroes, who are now called Evos, are living out in public. Not everyone is happy about that, and some people want them stopped. On June 13, 2014, there was a huge summit in Odessa to unite the Evos and Ordinaries. During the rally, there is an explosion and many many people on both sides died. After that day, people are once again weary of the Evos and they are forced into hiding.
Fast forward to today, Bennett is a used car salesman who is going to get married. He doesn’t remember what happened on June 13th, but he does know his daughter Claire died on that day. His life is about to change when Quentin Frady (Henry Zebrowski), who lost his sister on that day, reminds him who he used to be. Something big is happening and we need HRG to help stop it.
Tonight, we will meet people with several different powers and they will all come in useful to stop what is about to happen. If saving the world wasn’t difficult enough for them, then having vigilantes like Luke (Zachary Levi) and Joanne (Judith Shekoni), who want them all dead, on their tails won’t make it any easier.
Will they be able to save the world? We will have to keep tuning in for the next 11 weeks to find.
If you are a fan of Heroes, like me, then you are going to love Heroes Reborn because it has the same feel. If you’ve never seen Heroes, then you can love this thrilling Sci-fi, action adventure that combines people powers with trying to prevent the apocalypse.
Enki Bracaj auditioned for a news anchor job at Zjarr in Albania and needless to say the 21 year old got the job according to Daily Mail. Can you guess why they hired her?
I wish I knew her secret weapon when I was making audition videos to be a reporter. But no, I wore my shirt buttoned up because I thought that was professional. Stupid me.