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Sophia Bush is even more stunning without makeup!
February 2nd, 2015 under One Tree Hill, Sophia Bush. [ Comments: none ]

Sophia Bush got home early today from her job at Chicago PD, and the actress decided to share a photo of herself without any makeup. She is one of the few actors who is just as beautiful in the inside as she is on the outside because of all of the charity work she does in her free time. This picture proves that. She is beautiful with makeup, and she is even more gorgeous without it. I think her eyes are more powerful without any mascara or eyeliner.
How do you think the One Tree Hiller looks here?


This beauty contestant does Suzanne Sugarbaker proud!
February 2nd, 2015 under Miss America/ Miss USA. [ Comments: none ]

On Friday night the Miss Amazonas pageant went off without a hitch until the very end of it. Just as the winner was crowned, the runner-up ripped the crown off of her head. Sheislane Hayalla being the Diva that she is, threw the crown off the stage and stormed off in the opposite direction. Before she exited, she screamed something at the “winner” Carolina Toledo and then stopped to blow a big kiss at all of her new admirers.
Why did she do it? She took to Facebook on Saturday to declare:

Good afternoon! I would like to make it clear to everyone that my protest, i am going to me, i do not need to go by the head of the Others, i am a woman enough to take what you do and to face all head held high. Anyone who follows my trajectory, you know that i am miss amazon globo 2013 / miss brazil globe 2013 And second placed on miss international globe, yes second placed. I fought and mourning so much for all the achievements that i have in my life, i do not accept injustices and never leave Something go unpunished, i expressed yes my repudiation of attitudes that were seen during the preparation of the miss amazon 2015 Do not regret to have protested in most of the major competitions happen these ‘ problems ‘ and they get Go unpunished, i believe that i have planted the change in this great contest. I want something clean and honest! I am sheislane hayalla and my attitude i do not diminish or makes me less miss, i am human, runs blood In my veins and i am not a hypocrite. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages positive and to those who sent the negative too. #somostodossheislanehayalla #faith #god #mundomiss #acabouapalhacada #whoisshe #she #is #lane

I am not sure if her reasoning got lost in translation (since this was originally written in Portuguese translated to English by Facebook), but does it matter? What we have is a new Beauty Pageant idol to look up to. Forget Honey Boo Boo, she is the Missiest Miss of them all!
Hopefully, she will somehow wind up being able to compete for Miss Universe because she deserves the title. Wouldn’t you actually watch the Beauty Pageant if she was a contestant? Just to see what she would do if she lost?


Was the chemistry always there for Mike & Molly?
February 2nd, 2015 under Chuck Lorre, Katy Mixon. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8:30p, Mike & Molly celebrates its 100th episode on CBS.
A big reason why this sitcom is reaching this magic number is because of the chemistry between the cast. Was it there from day 1? Recently I was at the Warner Bros TCA Winter Press Day Event, and Melissa McCarthy and Billy Gardell talked about just that. Molly said that the whole cast hit it off immediately. Then she added, “We had a feeling after the first show that we’d been together about three years.”
That is how they felt when they all started filming the pilot, but for the two leads it happened even earlier. They knew as soon as they tested for the roles. Melissa explained that she was very pregnant at the time and she “waddled in” to meet her potential onscreen lover. Gardell took it from there, “We had each read with the other Mike and the other Molly, and then we read together.” Then he added, “Look, they found me in a comedy club in Houston. But I knew nothing about casting television, but I knew when we read it there was just you can’t wish for that. And you can’t just go, I want that to happen.”
That happened time and time again when the other cast members like Reno Wilson, Swoosie Kurtz and Katy Mixon read for their parts.
Gardell concluded the question by saying, “We stayed that way through five years, and I think it comes through. We all get along, and we really love each other.” A love you can see when you tune in every Monday a 8:30p.


Steve Harvey is OK with an ex rubbing her new boobs in his face!
February 2nd, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked 100 women, “Name something new you’d get that you’d rub in the face of an ex-boyfriend?” Then it is up to the contestants to guess those ladies’ answers.
When Steve Harvey got to Kevin, his team was down two strikes. He needed to come up with a winning answer and he did. He said, “I’m going to go with when your new boyfriend buys you, a new set, of uh, uh, a new set of um.” Even though Kevin couldn’t say boobs, t!ts or honkers, he was able to demonstrate them with his hands. Steve being Steve, wouldn’t take that for an answer. Eventually, the contestant said, “Breasts!” Once he finally got the word out, the game show exclaimed, “And a matter of fact, I don’t mind if you rub them in my face.” Then he went into one of his hilarious tangents and that is why we love him.
Men, would you mind if an ex rubbed their new bazingas in your face? Didn’t think so!
In case you were wondering, yes it was. Although, the show called them, “mega melons!”


Will Ferrell frozen, Jimmy Fallon dirty dances and Kevin Hart roars!
February 2nd, 2015 under Frat Pack, Jimmy Fallon, Katy Perry, Kevin Hart, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: none ]

After the Super Bowl ended, it was time for The Tonight Show to Get Hard. Jimmy Fallon welcomed Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart, the stars of the upcoming film, on to the NBC late night show as guests and he challenged them to a lip sync battle. The first round was good but not great, while the second one made you smile as you lip synced along with the three men.
Will Ferrell started it off with Let It Go from Frozen and he captured Elsa’s intensity. Then Fallon had a surprise guest mouth Dirty Dancing’s I’ve Had the Time of My Life with him, that guest was his wife’s BFF Drew Barrymore. The two of them recreated the infamous dance and did their version of the lift, which didn’t end as well as they would’ve liked. Finally it was time to the end the battle and little Kevin Hart belted out Katy Perry’s Roar as if he was taller than Shaq in heels.
So who was the winner? Just like the song that was performed as the beginning of the special show, they were all Queens. I am mean, they made like Queen’s huge hit and declared We Are the Champions.


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