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BTWF: Halle Berry competing in the Miss USA Pageant
June 29th, 2023 under Before They Were Famous, Halle Berry, Miss America/ Miss USA. [ Comments: none ]

Before Halle Berry was an Oscar winner, she was first runner-up in the Miss USA Pageant. The 19-year-old was robbed in that 1986 beauty pageant.


How can you have a Miss America competition without judging their looks?
June 5th, 2018 under Miss America/ Miss USA. [ Comments: 2 ]

Gretchen Carlson announced today on Good Morning America that Miss America pageant is changing up everything. Gone is the word pageant because it is now a competition.

A competition that no longer judges women on their outward looks. That is right, the whole reason behind it is gone. Not only that so is the swimsuit competition and there will be changes to the evening gown part of the competition.

Now it will be about their brains and talent. Because that has helped them to be taken seriously in the past. In the words of Clueless, “As and if!”

If you want to change things up for the #MeToo movement, then add a Master America Pageant. Put them in tight Speedos and to paraphrase what Robin Williams would say that tell us what religion they are. Also, let’s see them in a tux and strip on down to those Speedos! Heck, I would watch! Oh boy, I would watch.

And talking about watching, the Miss America ratings were down big time, who is going to tune in now? I mean, are these contestants known for their brains? No offense, but are they?

And yes, I am a woman and a feminist saying this. I do not have a problem with this competition judging the contestants on their outward appearances. Do you?

And man, how boring is the new season of Toddlers & Tiaras going to be if the little girls are no longer getting spray tanned, plucked and glued? It will just be the kids on Go-Go Juice, heck we call that nursery school!


Will Steve Harvey be back to host Miss Universe?
December 22nd, 2015 under Miss America/ Miss USA, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

WME IMG Chief Content Officer, Mark Shapiro, who was in charge of Miss Universe, talked to CBS Radio’s Jim Rome today about Steve Harvey’s mess up that was heard around the world Sunday night.
Rome explained how he felt about what happened and what was on the card, “It just was a flat-out mistake. I mean, on the left side of the card, and it’s been tweeted around, obviously, it says Third Runner-Up: USA, Second Runner-Up: Miss Colombia, and then, on the right side of the card in big letters, it says 2015 Miss Universe and right underneath it, Philippines,” Then he admitted they should make it a little easier for the next host.
Could it be Steve Harvey again? He said, “Absolutely, absolutely. If anything, I’m sure FOX would support it, because as I said, he did a great job. He was funny, he was informative, he’s high energy, he’s got a great following. Then he added, “I definitely want him back, and I would hate to see him not come back. He’s going to want a shot to redeem himself.”
I hope they have him back because it would be fun to see if he would do it again. Which I would want him to do because I am sadist and like watching people suffer. I mean to go from winner to runner-up in front of the whole world has got to suck for them but it is fun for us!


Reelz is crowned the new winner of Miss USA!
July 2nd, 2015 under Miss America/ Miss USA, Reelz. [ Comments: none ]
Several years ago Reelz Channel saved The Kennedys miniseries, and now they are saving Miss USA. As we know Univision and NBC dumped the beauty pageant because of Donald Trump’s egregious comments about Mexicans; but Reelz saw past that and will air it on July 12th.
Stan E. Hubbard, CEO of REELZ, explained his decision in this statement:

The decision on the part of REELZ to acquire the rights to the MISS USA Pageant was based on our belief that this special event, and the women who compete in it, are an integral part of American tradition. As one of only a few independent networks, we decided to exercise our own voice and committed ourselves to bringing this pageant to American viewers everywhere. For us, this decision is about the dreams of the contestants who come from all walks of life across the United States, the city of Baton Rouge that has proudly come together to host this pageant and the viewers who will be watching and celebrating its 54th year on television. The MISS USA Pageant is a perfect fit on REELZ where movies, entertainment and celebrity come together every day of the year.

I understand what he is saying, it is about more than Donald Trump. These worked really hard to compete for Miss USA, so let them have their day in the sun in their swimwear.
Now, since the hosts, the performers and some of the judges have dropped out, I say let’s get The Hollywood Hillbillies Mema to judge and have her grandson Michael perform. Could you imagine her critiquing the contestants, it would be the best pageant moment in a really long time.
Do you think Reelz made the right choise?


This beauty contestant does Suzanne Sugarbaker proud!
February 2nd, 2015 under Miss America/ Miss USA. [ Comments: none ]

On Friday night the Miss Amazonas pageant went off without a hitch until the very end of it. Just as the winner was crowned, the runner-up ripped the crown off of her head. Sheislane Hayalla being the Diva that she is, threw the crown off the stage and stormed off in the opposite direction. Before she exited, she screamed something at the “winner” Carolina Toledo and then stopped to blow a big kiss at all of her new admirers.
Why did she do it? She took to Facebook on Saturday to declare:

Good afternoon! I would like to make it clear to everyone that my protest, i am going to me, i do not need to go by the head of the Others, i am a woman enough to take what you do and to face all head held high. Anyone who follows my trajectory, you know that i am miss amazon globo 2013 / miss brazil globe 2013 And second placed on miss international globe, yes second placed. I fought and mourning so much for all the achievements that i have in my life, i do not accept injustices and never leave Something go unpunished, i expressed yes my repudiation of attitudes that were seen during the preparation of the miss amazon 2015 Do not regret to have protested in most of the major competitions happen these ‘ problems ‘ and they get Go unpunished, i believe that i have planted the change in this great contest. I want something clean and honest! I am sheislane hayalla and my attitude i do not diminish or makes me less miss, i am human, runs blood In my veins and i am not a hypocrite. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages positive and to those who sent the negative too. #somostodossheislanehayalla #faith #god #mundomiss #acabouapalhacada #whoisshe #she #is #lane

I am not sure if her reasoning got lost in translation (since this was originally written in Portuguese translated to English by Facebook), but does it matter? What we have is a new Beauty Pageant idol to look up to. Forget Honey Boo Boo, she is the Missiest Miss of them all!
Hopefully, she will somehow wind up being able to compete for Miss Universe because she deserves the title. Wouldn’t you actually watch the Beauty Pageant if she was a contestant? Just to see what she would do if she lost?


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