Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » February
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Chicago is a major character for Chicago Fire and Chicago PD!
February 3rd, 2015 under Dick Wolf, NBC. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 10p on NBC, Chicago Fire leads off a two night event to find the arsonist who set the fire that killed Shay. Tomorrow at the same time Chicago PD concludes the investigation.
Both shows are shot in the city they are named for and the actors don’t take her for granted. Recently at the NBC TCA Winter Press Days some of the stars talked about their co-star, The Windy City.
Jesse Spencer said, “There’s so many new places that we go to. We’re all over the city. Having only been there for three years, we’re still getting to learn it.” Then he added, “We shoot in a lot of abandoned buildings. It’s not a very glamorous job, really. I’ve realized that. We’re sort of sitting in gutters for a lot of the day.” Having said that he added, “But they’re part and parcel of the show. We could never do the show anywhere else.” He explained that what you see on your TV screens is what it is because of Chi-Town herself. He made sure to acknowledge her and her people by saying, “That’s the other character in the piece. And the firemen and the police, they all inform everything we do and make it what it is.”
Eamonn Walker wanted to add, “I would turn around and say that sometimes we have seen more of Chicago than most Chicagoans because of the amount of locations that we shoot. We show the full side of Chicago.” Then he ended his thought with, “Chicago is a major character and you are getting to know Chicago through these two shows.”
Not only are we watching two compelling drama that highlight the tough jobs of firemen and policemen, we are also learning more about one of the biggest cities in the country and getting to appreciate her beauty. Even better than a lot of the people who have called her home for all of their lives.


Tom Brady would love to give Malcolm Butler the Chevy Truck
February 3rd, 2015 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]
If you are like me, then on Sunday night you thought that Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady should’ve given the Chevy Truck to his teammate Malcolm Butler, who was the true MVP of the night, right then and there. Well, we weren’t alone, the Quarterback feels the same way. When asked about it, he told WEEI, “I would love to give him the truck. I would love to do that. I’m going to figure out how to make that work.” He better because he sure as hell doesn’t need it. If it wasn’t for Butler’s epic catch, Brady would not have another ring on his finger, a trophy for his mantle or a truck in his driveway. Right?


Sean Hayes didn’t let us down with this dance number!
February 3rd, 2015 under Flash Mobs, Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]
Sean Hayes is guest hosting a few episodes of The Late Late Show this week, and he started it off yesterday with a flash mob that didn’t disappoint.
He came out skipping to OK Go’s I Won’t Let You Down, and then he went into the audience and started dancing with a woman. The two of them made their way back to the stage and slowly it filled up with other dancers who were busting a move with him.
By the end of the song, even the audience was dancing along with them. How could they not because that whole thing was pure joy.
Too bad CBS already hired that guy to do the gig permanently because I think Sean Hayes would be a great host. He is so likeable and talented, and that is a big requirement for the job. Would you watch him 5 nights a week during the very late late part of it?
Not sure? Then check him tonight on CBS at 12:35a to see if Jack McFarland has all the right stuff for the job.


Adam Scott was awful on Sesame Street!
February 3rd, 2015 under Sesame Street/Muppets. [ Comments: none ]

Adam Scott is on Sesame Street and his word is awful. Only thing is Murray didn’t tell him what his word for the educational programming would be, instead he decided to show it to him. The red monster did this by giving the Parks & Rec star some gross tasting cupcakes, a bad smelling cologne and played a horrible song for him. All of them were awful.
The only thing that wasn’t awful in this Word of the Day segment was the interaction between Murray and Scott. That was the opposite of awful!


The Gronk reads from the Erotica FanFiction about him!
February 3rd, 2015 under Jimmy Kimmel, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the ABC late night host asked the Tight End to read from the fanfiction book that is about him. For a second the Super Bowl player was hesitant to do so, but then he agreed to read from A Gronking to Remember.
He did all of this with his poor mom in the audience and I am sure she will never be the same. Neither will we be because he mm put the erotic in erotica. You know what I mean. He was hot as he made the words in that book come to life.
And now after hearing him read those sexy words, I am off to write some FanFic about him. Don’t judge, I know you are tempted to do the same!


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