Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015 » January
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Mom loses someone tonight and gains my respect
January 22nd, 2015 under Chuck Lorre. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight’s Mom at 8:30p on CBS get serious when someone close to them dies.
Now that Christy’s (Anna Farris) dad (Kevin Pollak) is back in her life, things seem to be going so much better for her. They are even better for her mom, Bonnie (Allison Janney), who has rekindled that fire that gave them Christy all those years ago. Bonnie doesn’t want to let him go again, so she rents him the apartment next to her family’s so he can be close to all of them.
Then they all get some bad news that someone they love has died. The loss is so hard on Bonnie, she is thinking of taking up drinking again. Will Christy be able to convince her mom to put down the bottle before it is too late?
I have heard great things about Mom, but I never watched it until this episode. Now, I get what everyone is talking about. This show brings the emotion and the heart, but also adds the right amount of comedy to make it a sitcom everyone can love and appreciate.


Does Jonathan Knight have the right stuff to win The Amazing Race?
January 22nd, 2015 under NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]
Survivor had Blair Warner from The Facts of Life and now The Amazing Race has Jonathan Knight and his boyfriend, Harley, competing on the Emmy winning show this season. He has toured the world with NKOTB, and survived all of the crazy admiration from the Blockheads, but will the New Kid on the Block survive this trip around the world? We will have to tune into CBS on February 25th to find out.
BTW during the month of February, CBS will have not one, not two, but three members from New Kids on the Block on their network. Donnie Wahlberg is on Blue Blood, Joey McIntyre is a member of The McCarthys and Jonathan Knight is doing an Amazing Race. There has to be a place for Danny Wood and Jordan Knight somewhere on The Eye, right? Who knew that the execs at CBS were such big Blockheads?


These Family Feud contestants act like they’re at a strip club!
January 22nd, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “What is the sexiest job a man can have?” Lucy screamed, “A stripper!!!” with the same amount of enthusiasm she would have if she saw a man stripping in front of her. Steve, being Steve, asked her if she has ever been to a strip club and she told him yes. Then she explained, “I went there for my Bachelorette party.” But she wasn’t done yet, as she added, “But then I got divorced. But I kept the name.” Steve wanted to know if her ex measured up to the strippers and how much money she spent that night. She said he didn’t and a few hundred dollars. I have been to a lot of strip clubs and I never spent that much. Have you?
BTW ladies, who answered this survey, how come Stripper was the 4th answer on the board. I think it should be #1 or at least #2 behind fireman.


Has Kiefer Sutherland hit hard times?
January 22nd, 2015 under Hard times, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]
Over the weekend, Fox said that they are interested in another season of 24, but at this point they don’t know when.
It looks like Kiefer Sutherland needed to find a way to supplement that money he is losing by finding another job. What is his new occupation? Manny. That’s right, yesterday on The Late Late Show, it was revealed that Jack Bauer went from protecting America to babysitting Jim Gaffigan’s kids as the latter one hosted the CBS late night show.
Now that we know that Sutherland is a Nanny for Hire, I am going to borrow my friends’ kids so I can employee him to watch over them. I think we can all agree that is the real purpose for Nannycams!


Is this a prankster’s ultimate prank?
January 22nd, 2015 under Jimmy Kimmel, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Kimmel Live‘s Cousin Sal loves to torture his co-workers by playing pranks on them. He does things like throwing water on them or dumping buckets of ice on them, so obviously they are afraid of him if they see him coming with camera crew.
Well, yesterday he changed things up and played his greatest prank ever. What did he do? He did nothing. That’s right, absolutely nothing. Even though he had no intention of doing anything to them, they thought that he was.
Watching their reaction to him, shows how freaking brilliant his plan was. So watch the funniest prankless prank to ever happen.


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