Samuel L Jackson truly is the biggest MoFo in Hollywood! |
July 29th, 2014 under Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]
So someone at Huffington Post Movie Mashups, edited together all of Samuel L Jackson’s mother f*ckers from his movie and made one bad a$$ compilation. So sit back and watch this obviously NSFW video and listen to baddest MoFo in the biz prove why he is just that.
Although I think I can go a few months without hearing those two words together after this. I never thought I would say that, but 171 times is a lot of Mother F*ckers even for me.
CBS gave Under the Dome’s Rachelle Lefevre nipple covers for season 2! |
July 29th, 2014 under David Letterman, Under The Dome. [ Comments: 1 ]
Rachelle Lefevre was on The Late Show yesterday and David Letterman asked her what is the big difference between season 2 of the show and the first one. She told him that she went into her trailer while filming the first episode this season and there was a little box inside of it from the network. So of course she opened it up and inside were nipple covers. Then she explained that it’s very cold in Wilmington, NC, where they film, and not only that the studio is also really chilly. Then she added, “Apparently we spent some of our FX budget in the first season, my high beams were on. And they needed the FX budget for other things in the show. So this season that’s the big difference for my character.”
Then the CBS late night host wanted to know if there was a connection between the success of the show during the first season and the current one? Well let’s just say now that are her nips are down, so are the show’s ratings.
Although I don’t think that’s the cause of the decline. What I liked about the first season, is that it was so much different than the book it’s based on and it concentrated on the characters. The elements I detested about the novel are finding their way into series and I find myself losing interest. I hate, the dead girl from the ’80s coming back to life. I hate the emotionless Science teacher who thinks she’s Gd. I hate the “Who killed Angie storyline?” I hate Junior’s mysterious uncle. I just want it to go back to a town trying to survive while living Under the Dome and not add in all the BS mysterious intrigue that isn’t that intriguing. Who’s with me?
The mysteries of Debra Messing’s bigger boobs revealed! |
July 29th, 2014 under Debra Messing. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder how those Hollywood starlets can go up a cup without any surgery? Well, Debra Messing revealed the secret on her WhoSay account. It’s makeup! Who knew some outlining in just the right spots would do wonders for a woman’s cleavage, but as you can see it really does.
And to see how realistic they look without the tissues, you will have to tune into her new show Mysteries of Laura, September 24th on NBC.
David Boreanaz is saucey |
July 29th, 2014 under Bones, David Boreanaz. [ Comments: none ]

David Boreanaz WhoSayed this photo of himself getting some fake bruises painted on his chest for Bones, but all I could focus on was what is below them. The label on Booth’s underwear was showing and it reads sauce, which is perfect because he is definitely saucey.
Now that I am moving my eyes upward, how realistic are those black and blue marks? To find out how he got them, you will just have to wait until September 25th to find out when the Fox procedural returns.
Hot Links! |
July 28th, 2014 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Whose dog confused his boner for a bone? – Dlisted
Daniel Radcliffe is horny – Rickey
Who knew she had cleavage like that? – GCeleb
Another reason to hate Jenny McCarthy – Celebitchy
Pamela Anderson has a Coppertone baby moment – Celebslam
I guess you have to be sh!tfaced to get through his concert? – THS
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