Conan O’Brien is a lean mean fighting machine!!! |
May 21st, 2014 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]
Stuntman Steven Ho was on Conan O’Brien’s show yesterday to teach him some self defense and also to demonstrate some of Hollywood’s secrets to bloody violent scenes. While Ho did bring some of his trainees along, the TBS late night host was his main subject. So Conan was beaten, tortured and covered with fake blood, and he handled it like the man that he is. Which isn’t that manly. Because of that, I laughed so hard, I feel like I am going to hurl and my body is in so much pain.
I didn’t love these videos only because they were funny as all hell, but also because I am a sadist and love seeing people in pain. And Conan was in a lot of pain!!! What more can a girl ask for?
BTW the biggest takeaway from this segment, is that if you work for Conan O’Brien you don’t ever want to get him mad. He likes torturing people as much as I do!
UPDATE: I am including some videos from Steven Ho’s past airings. If you want to laugh until it hurts, then click here!
Steven Tyler gets crazy with some street performers |
May 21st, 2014 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]
Steven Tyler took his act on the road to Europe and while he was in Lithuania he took it to the streets. When the Aerosmith singer heard a female violinist and a woman playing an accordion together, he had to go up to them. Then the two ladies started playing his band’s song, Crazy, and he had to sing along. That is if you can call that singing. Either way, it was really cool. I wish more singers would do that! How awesome would that be for those street performers and the people walking by?
Did Joan Rivers look in the mirror? |
May 21st, 2014 under The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: none ]
Getty Images captured Joan Rivers at the Larger Than Life Gala looking like this, and in my mind I am imagining why she made that face. The one image that stands out the most, is she finally got a glimpse of her face in the mirror. Why do you think she has that expression on her face?
Rachel Bilson is having a baby! |
May 21st, 2014 under Rachel Bilson, The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Rachel Bilson and her long time boyfriend, Hayden Christensen, are having their first child together according to what several sources have told Us Weekly.
Not much more is known, like when she is due and if her pregnancy will effect Hart of Dixie. Considering the show hid Jamie King’s baby bump, they can do the same with Bilson. Although Zoey Hart is a lot smaller, so they would need bigger items like a filing cabinet to hide her growing belly. But then again, the darling drama doesn’t have a start date, so they can hold off until after she has the baby. Or they could write it in to the show, but since her character has pretty much been celibate for the latter part of the season, they will have to get her laid ASAP!
Do you want to see Zoey Hart pregnant?
Jimmy Kimmel Live makes an impomptu jam session even better! |
May 21st, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]
Over the weekend the internets blew up over an impromptu jam session in Irvington, Tx as three strangers collaborated to make one beautiful song together. Jesse Rya was playing his guitar outside a Kroger and he drew a small crowd. One of the men in the audience starting singing along and his addition made a great song even better. Then as the two of them were singing, another man who was walking into the supermarket joined in and added some rap to the song. They say three is a crowd, but in this case they make beautiful music together.
Shortly after this video was posted on YouTube, people started Tweeting Jimmy Kimmel and asking if the ABC late night host had something to do with it. He did not. But that didn’t stop him flying the man who shot the video and the three men in it out to Hollywood to recreate the magic. Kimmel didn’t stop with the original musicians, he joined in with his claronet, and so did the show’s band, Trey Songz, Juicy J and Aloe Blacc. So a fantastic moment was made even more amazing! And talking about amazing, how amazing are Guillermo’s moves? I so want to dance with him the next time I go to a JKL taping!
You can watch the original video that started it all below. I hope someone gives them a recording contract because I can listen to them all day!
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