Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » April
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Looks like we won’t be getting a sequel to Neighbors?
April 29th, 2014 under Zac Efron. [ Comments: none ]

On Friday, Neighbors will be in theaters and to promote the film they released a never before seen video from the set of the movie to FunnyOrDie. The film’s stars, Zac Efron and Seth Rogen, decided to haze the other actors in the movie and what happens next is a lot like what happens in it. Christopher Mintze-Plasse, Dave Franco and Jerrod Carmichael turned the tables on Rogen and hazed him instead. The actor with a deep laugh didn’t take to well to what they did to him so he retaliated. Because of that retaliation, I don’t think we will be getting a sequel to the much-anticipated movie. OK, I am the one anticipating it and that is all that matters.
Spoiler alert on this video: I think this is the first Funny or Die video that actually lives up to the website’s name.


Cast of Star Wars: Episode VII, they be!
April 29th, 2014 under Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

After months of speculation, the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII was finally announced today. And just like in 1977 when Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker were all cast in the original movie (and are back for this one), the new cast members are basically unknowns.
So who are they? They are John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow. We might know who they are now, but come December 18, 2015 we will know everything about them like who their 4th grade teacher was and what that teacher thought of their former student. So what do you think of the cast of the 7th movie in the most famous franchise?
Finally, how come C-3PO was not invited to the welcoming party? Granted, if he was going to be treated with the same respect that they gave R2-D2, then I can’t say I blame him for not showing up.


Gary Busey bloopers from the Amazon Fire TV ad!
April 29th, 2014 under Bloopers, Gary Busey. [ Comments: none ]

We have all seen Gary Busey‘s commercial for Amazon Fire TV and it is pretty fantastic. But it ain’t got nothing on the bloopers from it because they are pretty spectacular.
Forget The CW’s Whose Line Is It Anyways? and Fox’s Raid, if anyone needs an Improv show it’s Gary Busey. I can watch his one man act for hours on end. Here’s my Buseyism for it, it would be GREAT – Gary Reacts Erratically About Things!


What is Matt Lauer doing to Savannah Guthrie’s foot?
April 29th, 2014 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder how the Today show anchors, Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie, prepare for the show? Well today they let us on their secret. The man who gets lost around the world likes to play This Little Piggy with his co-anchor’s toes. Because that’s what most people do, right?
What more can you say because this Instagram video will leave you speechless.
Well actually I will let your imaginations run wild as you try to figure out what Matt did to prep for the morning news show with his former co-anchors, Ann Curry and Katie Couric. The image won’t leave your head, good I am not alone anymore!


Yankees fans get to boo a trader to his face!
April 29th, 2014 under Jimmy Fallon, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Robinson Cano did a LeBron James and left the Yankees for a $10 million dollar contract to play with the Seattle Mariners. He hasn’t been back to The Bronx since he moved across the country and NYers have a few choice words for him. So Jimmy Fallon gave them that opportunity yesterday on his Tonight Show by having them yell at a huge photo of the Benedict Arnold’s face. Only thing is they didn’t know that the second basesman was behind that photo. Their reaction to seeing him proves why NYers are the best people in the world! But then again I am biased because I am from Da Bronx!
BTW I would love the NBC host to do this in Cleveland the next time the Miami Heat Forward is in town. I don’t think his ex-fans would be as welcoming to see him. Do you?


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