Rihanna Giblers the Full House men! |
January 29th, 2014 under Full House, Rihanna. [ Comments: 1 ]

John Stamos, Dave Coulier and Bob Saget were all on Good Morning America today to promote their upcoming Super Bowl commercial. While waiting to go on they posed for some pictures and Rihanna, who was also a guest, photobomed some of them. Looks like Uncle Jesse, Joey and Danny didn’t mind her having some fun with them because they were already having some fun in their own little Full House.
BTW if I were one of the network executives, I would look at the Bromance between these three guys and give them a sitcom for the fall. I am sure I am not the only who would watch it every week.
Even Madonna won’t French kiss Miley Cyrus |
January 29th, 2014 under Madonna, Miley Cyrus. [ Comments: none ]

Madonna is joining Miley Cyrus tonight on MTV’s Unplugged and both singers shared pictures from their duet.
As we all know Madonna has kissed many many many men, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Nicki Minaj, but I guess she draws the line when it comes to Hannah Montana. Although it looks like Miley is willing and able in these photos.
Hot Links! |
January 28th, 2014 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Guess who is sexy and they know it! – Dlisted
What does Justin Bieber want to do next? – Popbytes
Why was Scarlett Johansson's Super Bowl ad banned? – Rickey
Whose mistress cheated on him with a hotter star? – Celebitchy
Sean Saves the World, but he can’t save the show |
January 28th, 2014 under Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]
NBC has stopped production on Sean Saves the World, 4 episode short of the amount that the network asked for according to Deadline. So instead of us getting 18 episodes of the very funny sitcom, we are only getting 14. So far 12 have aired and the last 2 will air after the Olympics.
I don’t get this decision because it does better than the Michael J Fox Show and it is a lot funnier. I guess because they ordered a full season of MJF’s show before it even aired that is why they are keeping it on, but I think it is a mistake. They should’ve let the SSTW finish its original order because it is worth at least 18 episodes.
When it comes to what is coming up, About a Boy is darling but I honestly don’t know what type of audience Growing Up Fisher is going to attract. So pulling Sean for Fisher might not be their smartest decision. Especially because Sean is already established and again it is a really funny show.
Oh well, I have given up trying to figure out what NBC and all the other networks are doing any more because they are all clueless to me.
Hopefully Sean Hayes, Linda Lavin, Tom Lennon, Megan Hilty and Echo Kellum will all be back on TV in the fall because they are all talented actors.
BTWF home videos: Sandra Bullock cheerleading |
January 28th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Sandra Bullock. [ Comments: none ]
Before Sandra Bullock was cheering her adopted son from the stands in The Blind Side, she was cheering on the field for her high school, Washington-Lee in Arlington, Virginia. She looks the same now as she did when she was 17 in that 1981 home video.
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