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Is Sarah Michelle Gellar a big baby on the set of The Crazy Ones?
January 16th, 2014 under Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar, Josh Groban. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sarah Michelle Gellar Tweeted a photo of Robin Williams pushing her around in a stroller, so does she act like a big baby on the set of The Crazy Ones? Nope. As she explained, “.@robinwilliams daddy daughter time on the #CrazyOnes…’s baby day.” I can’t wait to see that episode when it airs because it looks like it’ll be another crazy one.
But before it hits the airwaves, tonight at 9p on CBS they are rearing the episode with Josh Groban guest starring. Yesterday during a set visit for CBS’s TCA Winter Press Day, they announced that the singer will be back for another episode. The show’s Executive Producers, Jon Kinnally and Tracy Poust, described his upcoming appearance as he has found success as a jingle writer and Brad Paisley is brought in to sing one of his little tunes. Groban’s character doesn’t like the way he sings it, so the two men get into “a huge fight with chairs going through windows and punches are thrown.” That should be interesting because Groban seems like a lover and not a fighter. So make sure to watch him tonight on the show or he will throw a chair at you. Maybe not, but I am hoping the dramatics worked to get you to watch.


Someone asked Meryl Streep to take a photo in a bathroom!
January 16th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel, Meryl Streep. [ Comments: none ]

Meryl Streep was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the ABC late night host asked her some random questions. The two of them were talking about how fans come up to them and ask take a photo with them. So he wanted to know where was the most uncomfortable place that some asked for this? She told him that someone approached her 2 days beforehand in a bathroom outside the stall. So for future reference, don’t ask her or anyone for a picture after they have used the powder room.
Then he went on to ask her if she would to do a Superhero movie and she told him “depends on the powers.” Next question was if she would do a Madea movie which she didn’t answer, but admitted she has seen bits of one. Can you see her watching a Tyler Perry movie?
Then the 3 time Oscar winner went on to share with us that she saw The Beatles live at Shea back in 1965. In fact, she had a poster that declared her love for Paul McCartney. Which nearly half a century later, she got like a thank you from him because he asked her to be in his music video.
I could watch her talk all day because she is so humble and loveable. It’s like everything she says is as perfect as her acting, but she is being real. How can you not adore her? She is a diamond in the rough we call Hollywood!


Cameron Diaz is a swallower!
January 16th, 2014 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: none ]

Cameron Diaz was on Dr Oz‘s talk show yesterday to promote her book, The Body Book, and she talked about and demonstrated some of the things that are discussed in it. For example, when the actress wakes up in the morning, she downs a whole bottle of water. Not a little bottle, but one of those big ones. So if she can down that much liquid without taking a breath, imagine what else she is good with with her mouth… What you thought the same thing?
Not only did show us her great swallowing skills, she also shared with the Dr Oz that she makes the perfect poop every morning. And to continue the TMI, I found out I too make the perfect poop. So I guess you can learn a lot from Dr Oz, if you watch his show everyday.


13 year old Easton Gamoke, future NBA player!
January 16th, 2014 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

via Avery Simmons
So 13 year old Easton Gamoke was playing in a tournament game that had gone into overtime and the score was tied. So in the final seconds, with one arm, he flung the basketball across the entire court and gave his team, YMCA Running Rebels, a much needed win!
To prove that the amazing throw was not a one time thing, he attempted it the next day and once again proved he has the magic arm that Magic Johnson would envy!
If this kid isn’t playing for the NBA after college, then I call foul.


Hot Links!
January 16th, 2014 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Whose arm is missing? – Dlisted
Kate Upton is busting out – GCeleb
Who got a vasectomy? – The Superficial

Jon Hamm states the obvious – Popbytes
There is a new religion worshiping Kanye West? – Rickey
Sports Illustrated's swimsuit models get together! – Celebitchy

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