How much butter do you need for an 18lbs lobster? |
December 12th, 2013 under Animals. [ Comments: 1 ]

A diver was swimming in the waters by the Huntington Beach Pier yesterday looking for lobsters, and what he found was a 26″ 18lbs lobster according to The LA Times. After a brief struggle he was able to bring the big guy up on to land and pose with him.
So what is he going to do with his prize lobster? As soon as he finds a pot big enough to hold him, he is going to have him for dinner. And I am sure it will be the sweetest lobster he has ever eaten. Maybe if he is nice, he will invite me over for some tail! You know what I mean?
The CW banishes Hart of Dixie to Fridays |
December 12th, 2013 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]
The CW announced their midseason schedule today and I am not OK with it. The biggest change is that Hart of Dixie is moving from Mondays at 8p to Fridays at 9p after Whose Line Is It Anyways? (Whose Line is back on the 14th of March) starting on March 21st. Sadly The Carrie Diaries was only given a 13 episode order, so it will be ending its second season run by then. Which is a shame because it is the most darling show on The CW’s air.
Hart of Dixie will be replaced by Star-Crossed, the intriguing alien/human Romeo and Juliet story on February 17th. Then on March 10th we say goodbye to Beauty and the Beast, and it looks like it will be a final goodbye for the ratings challenged show. The Tomorrow People moves to Mondays at 9p on March 17th for what I am assuming is a way to see if that show can survive without a brotherly lead-in.
Starting on March 19th, Arrow, will shoot over to The 100, a show where juvenile delinquents in the future are sent to Earth to see if it is inhabitable again. Do I think that is a good fit with The CW’s top show? I do not because they are so different. Personally, I think that The 100 and Star-Crossed should be paired together. But then again I still think that The Vampire Diaries and The Originals should be on the same night, as should Reign and Hart of Dixie.
While I am unhappy about Hart of Dixie’s move to Fridays, I am looking forward to Star-Crossed, which I thought was the network’s strongest pilot along with Reign. I wanted to like The Tomorrow People, but I just could never get into it. And if people don’t follow it to Mondays or online, it might not be back for a season 2.
What do you think of The CW’s midseason lineup?
Conan O’Brien, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart go for a Lyft ride together! |
December 12th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Ice Cube. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday on Conan O’Brien’s TBS talk show, he went on a Lyft ride with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. The three men along with their Lyft driver went for one of the strangest and funniest rides ever around Hollywood.
There really isn’t much more I need to tell because just hearing that Ice Cube, Kevin Hart and the whitest late night host Conan O’Brien were trapped in car together is enough to make you watch nearly 10 minute bit that is a real laugh riot from the beginning until the end. I was laughing so hard, I had tears coming out of my eyes because it is that freaking hysterical.
BTW I should add that Conan Hart Ice Cube is the strangest and funniest rides ever around Hollywood to happen during the day, here is Jimmy Kimmel with The Killers doing the strangest and funniest rides ever around Hollywood to happen at night. Both bits are equally as hysterical. So if you need a good chuckle today, watch both of these brilliant bits!
What do you get Ryan Seacrst for his birthday? An infatable love doll of himself! |
December 12th, 2013 under American Idol 9+, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]
Ryan Seacrest’s birthday is Christmas Eve, but what do you get him because thanks to The Kardashians he has everything he needs and wants? You can’t buy him the one thing he really needs, which is time. So if you are Jimmy Kimmel, then you are determined to find him that perfect gift. That present is a Ryan’s Secret Inflatable Love Doll. We know that American Idol host really loves himself, and now he can REALLY love himself. That is because the blowup doll has a hole in the back and the front for him to use as he would like. Although considering how he threw the box when he found out it is real, I don’t think he will be using it any time soon.
Which is shame because the Love Doll actually looks more like Simon Cowell (from the chest up) than it does Seacrest. And we know how much those two secretly love each other with their Bromance and all!

Josh Groban sings the Top Ten Christmas Songs for 2013! |
December 12th, 2013 under David Letterman, Josh Groban. [ Comments: none ]
Josh Groban was on The Late Show with David Letterman yesterday to sing the Top Ten Christmas Songs for 2013, and the tunes are old but the words were new. No matter what bad words come out of his mouth, they always sound so beautiful. His voice makes even the naughtiest things sound nice. And that is why we love Josh Groban!
BTW I have spent so much time looking at Groban’s gorgeous face, that I never noticed that he looks to be well endowed. Seriously am I the only one who noticed that he has a nice bulge in his jeans!
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