Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » July
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Sigourney Weaver, you’re holding a puppy not an Alien!
July 15th, 2013 under Animals, Sigourney Weaver. [ Comments: 2 ]

Fame Flynet
Sigourney Weaver attended the Broadway Barks Annual Adoption Event yesterday and she did a photo-op with a cute little puppy. Well it was cute to me and you, but to her it was like she was holding that thing that came out of John Hurt’s stomach in Alien. Seriously did the pup pee on her because why else would she be making that face? Or was she upset that the little guy copped a feel of both of her breasts at once with his two front paws? Didn’t she know if you go to an event called “Broadway Barks Annual Adoption” that you are going to have to hold a dog? So she should’ve been prepared. Unless she was having some fun with the cameras which I am sure was the case!


Jennifer Love Hewitt is starting to show!
July 15th, 2013 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Last month Jennifer Love Hewitt announced that she was expecting her first child and over the weekend she showed us that she is. In fact for the first time in a really long time, her belly is bigger than her boobs. Personally I didn’t think that was going to happen until the end of her pregnancy, but I guess it happened earlier. The one thing I did know that was going to happen, is that she was going to be so cute pregnant and she is. And just think if she looks like this now and she is only halfway along, what she will look like when it time to have her little Love!


These crooks picked the wrong store to rob!
July 15th, 2013 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

Two robbers went into Canadian Gold & Silver in Calgary and one of them came out with a major headache. That is because one of the guys working in the shop hit him over the head with a baseball bat. His accomplice ran away, but not before putting up a good fight with another employee who was holding a stool. Eventually the employees cornered the injured crook and he sat down on the couch. What he didn’t realize is that there were some firefighters doing a routine inspection across the street and they held him down until the cop showed up. Can you believe that the thief tried to make a run for it with four firefighters holding him down? What an idiot. Maybe the worker knocked some sense into him when he hit him over the head, but it doesn’t look like it did.
The owner of the shop said the robber peed and pooped in his store after the incident and that was a nasty clean up for them. He didn’t say what happened to the crook, but he did say he heard that he spent a week in the hospital. I wonder if his partner in crime came to visit him in the hospital? Wouldn’t it be great if that is how he caught his buddy?


Kids prove to be smarter than the adults who bashed the Cheerios ad!
July 15th, 2013 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]

In the latest Kid React segment, The Fine Bros asked kids about the “controversial” Cheerios commercial.
After the kids were shown the ad; they were asked what they thought about it and they all thought it was cute. Then they asked the the kids if they knew why a lot of people were angry with the commercial. None of them understood why. (Something to this day I still can’t fathom.) Then when it was explained to the students that people were upset because they showed a mixed-race couple, the children went into detail that that is BS because we are all the same no matter what the color of our skin is.
Why can’t more adults be colorblind just like these kids. Maybe if they were, the world be a much better place!
Who says we can’t we learn from kids? Because obviously these kids have something to teach a lot idiots.


As if The View wasn’t bad enough?
July 15th, 2013 under The View. [ Comments: none ]

After weeks of speculation that Jenny McCarthy would be joining The View, Barbara Walters confirmed the news this morning. I thought The View was geared towards women, I don’t know many/if any of my sisters who actually like her. If there is one woman who doesn’t need a daily soap box, it is the Playboy Playmate.
I never watch The View and this definitely sealed the deal for me to never ever tune in. I wonder how many loyal viewers will be tuning out in September when she officially joins the show.
BTW if her joining the show is making you look for alternate viewing, why not watch the Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family at 10a, you can actually learn something worthwhile from it.


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