Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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The Hangover III looks like it will make you feel like you have one
March 7th, 2013 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for the final Hangover movie and I am glad that this the last one because it looks painful. I mean you know the movie that comes out on Memorial Day is going to be bad when the only thing that makes you laugh is decapitated giraffe causing a major car accident.


Jenna Elfman knows how to kill the moment!
March 7th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Jenna Elfman. [ Comments: none ]

Jenna Elfman was on Conan O’Brien’s talk show the other night and she talked to the TBS late night host about her sex life, or lack there of, due something she does. She told him that just as she is about to go down on her husband, she will bring up a topic that will make him go down. It wasn’t as much the way she said it, it was that she demonstrated it that makes this video a must watch!
And another must watch is her on 1600 Penn tonight at 9:30p on NBC! It is by order of the President that you watch that show tonight and every Thursday.


All weathercasters should be punished like this when they get it wrong!
March 7th, 2013 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

How many times have you gotten soaked by the rain because the weathercaster told you it was going to be sunny so you didn’t have an umbrella? Or wore a T-Shirt with no jacket because you told it was going to be warm but it turned out to be freezing? Or prepped for a Hurricane that totally missed you and made land fall no where near you? How pissed were you at that so-called meteorologist? Didn’t you want them to pay for their error? Well that is exactly what WTTG did to Tucker Barnes who was put on a time out when he predicted snow for the DC area and it didn’t happen. So this morning when the anchors tossed to him, he had his back to us as he sat in the corner and accepted his punishment. No word when his time out was over, but I wish more stations would do this.
I knew a lot of meteorologists when I lived in Miami and it used to piss me off when my “friends” would lie to me. Tell me it is going to be sunny and then I would get caught in a downpour. Seriously there should be repercussions when they get the weather wrong. Don’t you agree?


Do you see the stars in Jennifer Love Hewitt’s eyes?
March 7th, 2013 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

On Sunday at 10p Jennifer Love Hewitt’s show The Client List will be back and yesterday she Tweeted a picture of one of the costumes she will be wearing on the Lifetime show. Riley will be dressing up as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader to make a client happy. I am sure many people will tune in to see this episode and what else she will be wearing throughout the season, and I think that will make them excited about the show.
When it comes to headline, I know exactly which eyes you were looking at!!! Bad boy!


Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr seen together!
March 7th, 2013 under Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar. [ Comments: none ]

via Eonline
Even though Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr have been married for over a decade and have two kids, they are very rarely seen together. That is until yesterday because the Happiest Place on Earth brought them together. The happily married couple took their three year old daughter, Charlotte to Disneyland and we got this picture to remember what it is like to see Fred and Daphne in that same place at the same time. They should do it more often because they really are a cute couple!


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