Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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Guess who got to first base?
March 19th, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is whispering sweet nothings into his ear, then click here!


Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun gets recognized at the sh!ttiest time!
March 19th, 2013 under AMC, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Steven Yeun was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! yesterday and he told the ABC late night host about one of the times he was recognized by a fan of The Walking Dead.
Yeun’s brother was having stomach issues, so his doctor recommended he get a Colonoscopy and that actor should get one too. So before the doctor started, he asked Yeun what he does for a living and he told him that he works on the hit AMC show. Then when they started the doctor asked his assistants if anyone in the room watched The Walking Dead, and one of the guys did. That fan couldn’t hold back his excitement, only problem was they had already started the procedure.
I think he would rather face Zombies than go through that again.


Watch a man get in trouble with his wife on Family Feud!!!
March 19th, 2013 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud loves to asks risque questions on the game show and now they asked one that got a man in big trouble with his wife. Steve Harvey said to the contestants “We asked 100 men; name something you’ve never had, but you know you want it.” Well Jimmy didn’t hesitate to buzz in and give his answer, but as he said it the judges buzzed his words. So Harvey told the audience it was good one and he asked Jimmy to say it again into the mic. Well the red-faced Jimmy laughed nervously as he said “two women”. Then the camera panned over to his wife Pam, who was shocked by his wants. She didn’t take his answer very well and told him he was in trouble. But maybe she will be a little forgiving because the answer was on the board. Two men (the way I like my Ménage à trois) agreed with Jimmy over his wife.
No word if he got what he wanted when he got home, but for some reason I think he is only getting a third of what he wanted in that answer.
BTW am I the only who thought he said Blow Job instead of Ménage à trois?


Nick Cannon gets a job where he’s rollin’ in the money!
March 19th, 2013 under Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Cannon has worked as a signer, an actor, a television host, a DJ, and now he got job where he is surrounded by nothing but money. What is his rollin’ in the dough new career? Mr Mariah Carey Tweeted a picture of himself in his new work attire for Walmart as a cashier. When your ball and chain is his wife, you need as many as jobs as you can get to support her needs.
BTW the royal blue jacket is a good look for him!


When humans look like their dogs: David Arquette
March 19th, 2013 under The Arquettes. [ Comments: none ]

David Arquette Tweeted the above photo and said “Me and an angry dog”. When I look at that photo I couldn’t get over how much the Scream star looks like his dog.
Seriously how cute is that picture of man’s best friend and his man?


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