Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » February
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This is what happens if you slap yourself too much in the shower!
February 21st, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, they started a new segment called “Can They Do It Live?” The premiere act was Tummy Talk where three men use their buddy as a drum. The edited YouTube (below) is incredible to watch, but can they do it was well with no editing. Well they came all the way from Utah to prove that they can. Watch their appearance and be blown away by how f*cking awesome they are!
Who would think that you can play a human like that? As producer, Mike Chidsey explained to Kimmel how it happened, “I was just in the shower slapping myself and I thought it would sound so much better if I had more girth and skills.” So he called his drummer friends Matt Nickle, Liahona Seumanu and Tyrell Shepherd, and they called their friend Niu Luamanuvae. Only thing is they didn’t tell Niu that they were going to use him as a drum. Just like a Timex, he can taking a beating and keep on ticking. Seriously what a good sport! I hope that all of the guys pat themselves on the back to a beat for a job well done!
BTW I really hope the Japanese pick up on Tummy Talk because I think it would be a great halftime show during Sumo Wrestling. The loser of the match can be the drum!


Anthony Edwards is an accessible action hero on Zero Hour!
February 21st, 2013 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]

Anthony Edwards is back on TV in ABC’s Zero Hour Thursdays at 8p, but before he was an ER doctor he was an action star in movies like Gotcha and Miracle Mile. I recently chatted with him about the mysterious drama and I asked him if the show was like coming back full circle for him because of the movies he did in the ’80s. He said, “I guess I didn’t think about that, but I guess it is true. I guess I have been attracted to spies and mystery before.” So does he see his character Hank Galliston as an action hero? He said, “He is an action hero in that he is very active but he is not a punch-’em-up, shoot-it-out hero. Hopefully, you will root for him because you feel that he is accessible.”
Last week’s premiere episode had a shocking ending with Edwards looking at frozen Nazi version of himself. When I asked him what that was like, he said “Weird. It is one thing to see a picture of yourself, but you don’t think you can go like this (pans) with yourself. When you become three dimensional, that’s a little weird.” So since that is where we ended things a week ago, what can we expect now “I really do think that the episodes we have shot are better than the pilot. The energy does not stop. I feel we got better doing it.” Then he added, “It all relies on the fact that our writer/creator Paul (Scheuring) knew what he wanted to do before we started, so he didn’t enter it thinking, ‘I have a concept for a pilot, where will it go?’ He has known where it is going all along.” And Edwards knows where these investigative reporters are going to go in the next 12 episodes that have a beginning, middle and end.
When he was asked to preview the show to get you to watch, he responded by saying “We have a really great story. You are going to be entertained and then propelled into wanting to know more, so if you like being addictive, it is good for you.” So get addicted tonight to Zero Hour that airs Thursdays at 8p on ABC.


Conan O’Brien flirts with us using his beautiful new long fake eyelashes!
February 21st, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Snooki. [ Comments: none ]

Snooki and JWOWW were on Conan O’Brien’s talk show yesterday and the TBS host asked them about their eyelashes. So the two Jersey Shorers asked if they could put a pair on him and he agreed. Once they were on, I was oddly attracted to him. He just looks so sexy with the longer black lashes and I hope that he decides to wear them every nightl! Didn’t they make such a difference on him!
BTW I also love how JWOWW said something that disgusted Conan so much he had to walk away and stare in to the ocean of lost dreams.


The puppies have spoken and Arfgo is going to win Best Picture
February 21st, 2013 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Fallon had his puppy Gary along with some of her friends pick what movie is going to win Best Picture on Sunday and it looks like it is going to be Arfgo, I mean Argo, after most of the yellow laps chose to eat from that bowl.
The best part about this arfdorable video from yesterday’s Late Night is how the NBC host’s dog was the only one who didn’t do what her dad told her to do. Just like a good dogter!


The absolute best push up bra ads you will ever see!!!
February 21st, 2013 under Ads. [ Comments: 1 ]

via Daily Mail
Valege in France came up with a way of selling their product on the boob tube, by using boobs! The French Lingerie company has a series of commercials where the left breast is trying to find the right one and bringing them together in a way that only a push up bra can. As perfect as this ad is the only thing they are missing is the actual bra, but I don’t think there will be many complaints about that from men. Do you?
BTW it is ads like this that make me regret not going into advertising, and a lot of teachers very happy that I didn’t.


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