Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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When did Matthew Perry turn into a crazy cat lady?
September 10th, 2012 under Friends (cast), Matthew Perry. [ Comments: none ]

Matthew Perry Tweeted a picture of himself on a couch with a lot feline Friends and I have to wonder when did he turn in that crazy lady with all of the cats. Well before your mind goes where mine went, he said “…this will all make sense Tuesday at 9pm on NBC after The Voice! #GoOn” So I guess we have to tune into his funny new sitcom to find out. Or we can just assume he will sitting at home on his couch surrounded by pussies watching his own show all alone. I like the first option better because Go On has proven to be NBC’s best new show of the fall.


Something worse came out of Green Lantern than the movie
September 10th, 2012 under Gossip Girl, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively met while filming Green Lantern (the movie that didn’t make a lot of green) and yesterday the two of them got married in South Carolina. According to The NY Daily News they have only been planning their secret wedding for a month and she asked for the days off from Gossip Girl just three weeks ago. No word if any of her castmastes like her ex-boyfriend Penn Badgely were there to see Serena van der Woodsen walk down the aisle with Van Wilder.
Now everyone’s first thought might be that they are expecting a little superhero (well that is where my mind went), but don’t forget Scarlett Johansson and him has a secret wedding too. On that note doesn’t Lively remind you of a taller, younger, less talented version of his ex-wife with a bitchier voice? Am I the only one who thinks her voice is like hearing nails on a chalkboard?
Now when it comes to Reynolds, he used to be on my ToDo list which meant I would see every movie he did. But then after seeing him a lot of sh!tty movies, I had to remove him from the list to ease my suffering. Not only do I think he have the ability to chose to star in bad movies, I also think he has that same ability when it comes to picking women? Seriously does anyone really think it is going to last until death they do part?


Hot Links!
September 9th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is hanging to the right? – Dlisted
Who likes to lick armpits? – Celebitchy
Emma Watson in a hot tub looking topless – GCeleb
Kris Jenner is jealous of Honey Boo Boo? – Yeeeah!
Matt Bomer boxing without your shirt – Swoonworthy
Miley Cyrus is looking like Grace Jones – Amy Grindhouse
Which fired X Factor mentor is returning to the show? – Rickey
Tom Cruise tried to recruit Lindsay Lohan? – Hollywood Backwash

Did the Box Office suffer from a Possession?
September 9th, 2012 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

Last week the box office saw a movie with the worst three-day wide-release ever with The Oogieloves, and this week it saw it worst weekend in almost 11 years. According to Reuters the three-day weekend is only expected to bring in $65-$68 million, that is the lowest total since two weeks after 9/11/01.
Possession was the #1 movie, but it only brought in $9.5 million. The last time the #1 grossed less that $10 million was three years ago with some film called Bangkok Dangerous.
The studios have to be nervous and they should be. If I were them, I would lower the cost of a movie ticket. I refuse to pay full price for a movie because it just isn’t worth it and I am just one person. Imagine if a family of four wants to go the theater, it could cost them over $50 just for the tickets. What if they want popcorn, candy and drinks? Cheaper to rent the movie and order some pizza, and you don’t have to deal with other people talking and cell phones going off. Crazy, right.
I am lucky I have a $3 movie theater near me. It might not have stadium seating, but you can’t beat the price. In fact I have seen movies there that I have enjoyed for that price, but if I paid full price I would be pissed. But since I am not a talking a teddy bear, I will not tell you what movie that was.
So in short if the studios want to see more people in the theaters, then they have to lower the price for a ticket.


Drop Dead Diva’s season finale will shock you and then shock you again!
September 9th, 2012 under Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]

It’s time for a white wedding on Lifetime’s Drop Dead Diva tonight at 9p, and Jane will get something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new.
Tonight’s episode is so shocking that it will shock you several times, once before the first commercial and then again not once but twice right before the show ends. What happens are such a game changers that I can’t wait to see how they will handle it when the show comes back next season. Now I a know I am being extremely vague, but that is because I want you to be surprised by what happens tonight as I was. Because what happens is something you never ever would have seen coming. I know as I sure as hell didn’t. So don’t miss it because you will be so upset if you do because it is that freaking good.


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