Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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Ricky Gervais is sexy, but women don’t want to admit it!
September 21st, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Ellen DeGeneres, Ricky Gervais. [ Comments: none ]

Ricky Gervais was on Ellen yesterday and he told Ellen DeGeneres that was on top of two lists for his rugged good looks. But unlike the lists that Brad Pitt and George Clooney are on, his are a little different. He was the top of the crop in the poll for Women’s Weirdest Crush, but the love didn’t stop there because he was the leading man for People You Fancy But Don’t Admit It. Poor guy, I think he is good looking in his own way but don’t tell anyone I said that because I won’t admit it. Actually his laugh is so addictive that it makes him cute as all heck.
Now when it comes to why he topped those two polls, could be due to the faces he makes on Twitter. He explained to Conan O’Brien yesterday how makes those weird faces that make him go from hot to not.


Hot Links!
September 20th, 2012 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Know your crotches? – Dlisted
Lady Gaga gets high! – Yeeeah!
Sharon Osbourne bashes NBC – Rickey
Adam West was so sexy! – Swoonworthy
Jennifer Aniston has put on some weight – GCeleb
Kim Kardashian says something stupid – Amy Grindhouse
Jessica Simpson and her daughter – Hollywood Backwash
Paris Hilton says something hateful and homophobic – Celebitchy
Sharon Stone without makeup scarier than Basic Instinct 2 – Celebslam

Every parent needs to watch HBO’s Don’t Divorce Me
September 20th, 2012 under HBO Max. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 6:30p HBO debuts the documentary Don’t Divorce Me! Kids’ Rules for Parents on Divorce and every parent needs to watch it. Whether you are already divorced, thinking about getting one or you are happily married, you need to watch this because the doc let’s the kids tell their stories what it is like to be the children of divorce. It is their perspective on the issue and only theirs.
We all know someone who has gotten divorced and how the kids have suffered from it, but since we are the adults we don’t concentrate on their needs. This documentary is the kids’ experiences in their own words. How it hurts them that their parents are no longer together. That they feel it is their fault their parents broke up. How they hate to travel long distances to be with the other parent. How they hate when their parents put them in the middle of the fight. How they don’t feel that they are loved as much as after their parents divorce. But isn’t only their words that show what they go through, it is their sad faces that tell the true story.
I am single with no kids, but I have seen some of my friends really f*ck up their kids with their divorce. So much so that I called all of them and said you have to watch this. Divorce is not easy on the adult, and sometime they forget how hard it is on their kids. This special will make them stop and think how they are handling it. It will also show them that kids know more than the you think when it comes to the situation.
Kudos to Rosie O’Donnell and Amy Schatz for coming up with this poignant documentary and HBO for airing it. In a society where most marriages end in divorce, it is about time we heard from the kids and how it effects them. And it’s about time the parents got schooled by the kids on how divorce impacts them.
Since this is an HBO special, it will re-air several times in case you miss the premiere. Below are the other times for when this important documentary will air and on what network you can see it on. So mark down the times and let every parent you know that they have to watch this special. It really is one of the most important 30 minutes that any parent can ever watch.

Other HBO playdates: Sept. 26 (7:30 a.m.) and 30 (1:30 p.m.), and Oct. 13 (8:00 a.m.), 19 (8:00 a.m.) and 25 (6:00 a.m.)
HBO2 playdates: Sept. 25 (6:00 a.m.) and Oct. 9 (7:30 a.m.), 18 (7:00 a.m.) and 27 (6:00 a.m.)
HBO Family playdates: Sept. 23 (6:30 p.m., 3:25 a.m.), 26 (3:30 p.m.) and 29 (noon) and Oct. 4 (2:45 p.m.), 9 (9:00 p.m.), 14 (1:40 a.m.), 17 (3:30 p.m.), 20 (6:30 p.m.) and 29 (1:35 p.m., 5:25 a.m.)


BTWF roles: Clint Eastwood in Tarantula
September 20th, 2012 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 2:53 in)

Before Clint Eastwood was telling criminals to make his day, he was telling a Tarantula to do the same. He has come a long way since he was 25 in that 1955 movie.


What did Elizabeth Taylor do to deserve this?
September 20th, 2012 under Lifetime, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

The first trailer is out for the much anticipated Liz & Dick and I can’t wait to see this Lifetime telemovie that is airing in November. It just looks so awful and because of that it makes it look wonderful fun. I mean Lindsay Lohan looks and sounds like Lindsay Lohan and is nothing like Elizabeth Taylor. In fact when I watched the trailer, I thought I felt a little quake. I am assuming it was Dame Elizabeth turning over in her grave.
I am sure there will be drinking games galore for this movie and once I watch it, I will let you know the ones I come up with. But I recommend that we drink something with barely any alcohol content because it will be very easy to sh!tfaced before the movie’s first commercial.


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