Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » May
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Richard Grieco still has Looks that Could Kill
May 25th, 2012 under 80s, Richard Grieco. [ Comments: 1 ]
Richard Grieco came out for the 12th Annual Lupus LA Orange Ball and I so want to 21 Jump Street him. If Looks Could Kill, I would be dead right now. Seriously doesn’t the 47 year old actor, musician, artist and creator of Showtime’s Gigolos look as sexy as when we got to know him as Booker back in 1988? Admit it, you totally want to spend A Night at the Roxbury with him.


David Hasselhoff cheats on Knight Rider?
May 25th, 2012 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch. [ Comments: none ]
David Hasselhoff was seen posing with a car at The Gumball 3000 International Car Rally and that automobile was not his BBF Knight Rider. So I have to wonder if Michael Knight was cheating on his loyal buddy or if the Pontiac Trans-Am said it would be OK if he helped to promote a four-wheeled friend? Hopefully the latter because I couldn’t handle if they broke it Hoff.


Remember Marla Gibbs?
May 25th, 2012 under Marla Gibbs, Remember?. [ Comments: 1 ]
Marla Gibbs came out for the premiere of Battlefield America and Mary Jenkins looks amazing. The 80 year old actress looks as good as we got to know her as Florence Johnston on The Jeffersons back in 1975. Can you believe it has been almost 37 years since she stated working as The Jeffersons wise-cracking maid on the timeless sitcom? Seriously I watch the comedy every day and it never gets old.


Gregg Allman is engaged to a woman 11 years younger than his son
May 25th, 2012 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Gregg Allman, 64 told Piers Morgan that he is engaged to a woman who is just 24 years old. That means she is 40 years younger than him and 11 year younger than Elijah Blue, his son with Cher. Anyone else extremely grossed out? I mean his fiancee’ is beautiful, she can date men her own age or even ones twice her age if she likes men older than her, but a man four decades older than her is just so icky.
BTW WTF did Piers mean when he said that Cher smelled like a Mermaid? Is that his way of saying she smells fishy?


Charlize Theron grabs Jimmy Kimmel’s balls
May 25th, 2012 under Charlize Theron, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Charlize Theron was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and she told him she was not asked by any boys to go to her school dance. Having experienced the same fate for his prom, he asked her to be his date. So the curtain dropped down and revealed a life-sized cardboard cut out of him as as a teen, gave her a corsage and asked her to pose with the younger him as he took photos. At first she wasn’t sure what to do, so he told her to pretend she was in love with him. So she took the stiff version of him and made him stiff when she kissed it. But it didn’t stop there because for the second picture she grabbed his balls. That picture was so hot it broke the camera and made him feel like a teenage boy all over again.
This wasn’t the first time he had his teen self pose with a blonde actress, Scarlett Johansson was his first and I am sure Charlize Theron will not be his last.


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