Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » May
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Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon put their balls to wall
May 12th, 2012 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Fallon challenged Stephen Colbert to a game of bubble soccer when he was on Late Night yesterday. Fallon played with Lester Holt (who I think was the MVP for the night) and Colbert was with David Gregory and let’s just say the four news men (since Fallon hosted the news on SNL it counts) are not very good at sports. But I don’t even think athletes could do any better wearing those huge a$$ bubbles on from their torsos up to their head. I think the only two men who could be good at that game are John Travolta and Jake Gyllenhaal. You know because they both played Bubble Boys and not because…


The CW makes The Secret Circle disappear along with Ringer
May 11th, 2012 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

The CW picked up the international hit Nikita and the darling Hart of Dixie for another season according to TV Line. Gossip Girl will also be back but only for a final 11 episode season. While the news good for the above shows, the news was deadly for Ringer and The Secret Circle that will not be back for a second season. It’s a shame they cut Secret Circle because it had a really good season finale that was setting up for an interesting season. Sadly they spent too much of this doing the same thing episode. Cassie’s life is in peril, she uses her black magic and someone has to rescue her. She never learned her lesson, so she kept messing up week after week. Yesterday’s episode was a game changer and was going to change that formula, but sadly we won’t see how.


Dr Phil’s hot new must have…The Body Barrier
May 11th, 2012 under Dr Phil, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Dr Phil was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and he debuted his new product The Body Barrier. It is the must have for all parents especially during prom season. You have to watch how it works because it is the best form of birth control ever. Not only will it keep boys away from girls, it will also let the girls have some fun with it and they don’t have to worry about getting knocked up before college. Plus once a woman goes Body Barrier, she’ll never go back.
Seriously I just bought this for my friend’s kid and she is only three. You never to young to get them started on The Body Barrier.


What’s up with Katy Perry’s new look?
May 11th, 2012 under Katy Perry. [ Comments: 4 ]
The normally sunny Katy Perry attended The NARM Music Biz Awards Dinner Party looking like what Morticia would when she grew up. So I wonder what is up with Goth like look and when she will be going back to the woman we know who dyed her hair the same color as cotton candy.


Tom Selleck has a beef with Uggie the Dog
May 11th, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Tom Selleck. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Selleck was on Conan yesterday and he told the TBS late night host that he has a huge issue with Uggie the Dog? Why would the world’s most famous mustached man have a problem with a little Jack Russell? Well there is some bad blue blood between them because The Artist pooch beat out his Jesse Stone co-star Joe out for the Golden Collar Award. And you know what he is right because the Golden Retriever is just so darn cute.
I love how Magnum PI is barking mad for his best friend because he didn’t win an award he deserved. It is a side of him you rarely see and I like it.
And tonight at 10p on CBS you can see him as you are used to on the season of Blue Bloods.


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