Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » January
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Hot Links!
January 29th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who did that boy grow up to be? – Dlisted
Does she look pregnant – INF Daily
Russell Crowe is skinny again – Celebitchy
Katy Perry moving on already? – TDW Gossip
Cameron Diaz is a Monet – Hollywood Backwash
Who doesn't know his rumored lover? – Popbytes
Donkey semen coming to a TV near you – Yeeeah
Who had a time of the month malfunction? – Rickey
Guess who broke yet another bone? – Amy Grindhouse
I need to watch football for these hunks – Swoonworthy

A Smile as Big as the Moon will leave you with a smile as big as the moon
January 29th, 2012 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1988 Michigan teacher Mike Kersjes took his Special Ed class to the Planetarium and they came out wanting to go to Space Camp in Huntsville, Al. Tonight at 9p on you will see the story how they jumped over the moon to make it happen in A Smile a Big as the Moon.
When Mike Kersjes is told that Space Camp will never accept his students who have special needs ranging from mentally challenged, autistic, OCD, ADHD and dyslexia, he is determined to make it happen even though everything appears to be against him. He beats the odds and gets them in and now the hard part is just beginning. He has to mentally and physically prepare them for the challenges they will take part at during Space Camp. And all of that will mean nothing if he can’t raise the $50,000 to get them there. Somehow he will accomplish all of that and their dream will come true. Will they prove everyone wrong or were they all right? You will have to tune into find out in a movie that will leave you with happy tears from beginning to end.
Seriously I can’t remember the last time a movie left me feeling as good as this one. It is a positive beautiful movie that shows everyone, no matter what the odds are against them, can make their dreams come true. It is also a film that you can watch with the whole family and everyone love it equally as much.
After watching this inspirational movie, I regretted that I never became a Special Ed teacher as I wanted because those students have such huge hearts and determination like nothing you could never imagine. It is just that impactful.
I hope that when the Emmys are announced that this movie and John Corbett are on that list because this is more important, triumphant and heartfelt than anything those cable networks air. I said it, and I meant it.


Get into bed with Courteney Cox
January 28th, 2012 under Courteney Cox, Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]

Courteney Cox is a newbie to Twitter, but the Cougar Town actress has already it mastered. In just a week, she has learned the oh-so-important-must-Tweet a picture of herself in bed with an arfdorble pet and makeup free. Unlike most of the actresses who have done it before her, she looks ever more beautiful fresh faced. I want to hate her, but I can’t because she is one of the coolest people you will meet in this town. She has not let her fame get to her head, even though it should’ve.
So make sure to tune in and watch her on Valentine’s Day at 8:30p when Cougar Town finally returns to ABC.


Swamp Volcano steams up your televisions tonight
January 28th, 2012 under Syfy. [ Comments: 1 ]

Swamp Volcano erupts on to Syfy tonight at 9p and it is a hot film to watch on this cold winter night. When oil rigger workers accidentally hit an underwater magna flow, they set off a chain of events that will leave Miami in danger of being destroyed by a underwater volcano. It is up to Professor Antoinette Vitrini to stop that from happening, but the oil company wants to stop her from doing so. It is case of good vs evil and only one side will win. Tune into find out who is victorious in another fun Syfy movie.
Swamp Volcano stars Rachel Hunter, Griff Furst and Brad Dourif and a bunch of bloody cooked corpses.


The Pregnancy Project is a must watch
January 28th, 2012 under Lifetime. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight on Lifetime at 8p The Pregnancy Project debuts and any parent of a teen and the teens themselves need to watch this movie that is based on a true story. Gaby Rodriguez (Alexa Vega) is the daughter of a teen mom. her siblings all had kids as teens and everyone expects her to do the same. When she has no clue what to do for her senior project, she decides to fake a pregnancy to see how people will react to her being pregnant. She keeps the news from everyone, but one teacher, the principal, her mom and her boyfriend. The bigger she gets the more she sees that people discriminate against her and treat her differently. She is shocked by some of the people who have turned against her because of it. Also the longer she goes on the charade, the more she hates her big belly. Her mother will remind her at least she can take it off unlike other teen moms.
Now the day is getting closer for her to tell everyone that she faked her pregnancy and why, and she is afraid how they will react to the news. How will they react and how will change them and her? You have tune in for this movie that should be screened in high schools because it is just that important.


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