Donnie Wahlberg Tweeted the first picture of his pooch wearing a shirt that says “iHump” and I think Lumpy’s expression says it all. I never knew that man’s best friend could read, but it looks he can because he is not that pleased to be dressed in a shirt that says what he does during the privacy of his master’s home. How would the New Kid on the Blocker like to wear a shirt that says the same thing when he takes his dog on walk. Scratch that, I am sure he would love it because it would get the Blue Blood star more action than he already get.
BTW in all seriousness I love the way that Wahlberg adores his four-legged pal!
Before Ty Burrell sold real estate on Modern Family, he was the ADA on Law & Order: SVU. He looks the same now as he did when he was 34 in that 2002 episode.
The trailer for The Three Stooges is out and I am shocked by how much I like the Farrely Brothers take on it. I guess I never considered with all of their slap stick history that they would be perfect for the film, but I now see that they are! I can’t wait to see this Nyuck Nyuck of a movie when it comes out next year!
Now that Victoria Chase and Joy’s marriage is out in the open, the Daytime Emmy winner will do anything to promote it and recapture her fame. Tonight at 10p on TV Land’s Hot in Cleveland, the semi-happily married couple will go on a Gay Cruise and bring Melanie and Elka along with them. There is only one problem for the four straight women, the Captain of the boat is played by Giles Marini and he has a thing for three of the four roommates…and they have a thing for him. Not only does Melanie have that to do deal with that hot nautical man, someone she knows is on the cruise and now she has to pretend even harder that she likes women so she won’t upset this special person. Will the ladies be outed or will they get away with it?
So come aboard for another hysterical episode tonight and be surprised just how funny the naked Sex and the City movie man really is!
Yesterday while Matt Damon was on The Late Show he sat on David Letterman’s lap for their 2011 Holiday Card. I don’t know about you, but I thought that was something that Damon only did with his BFF Ben Affleck. I wonder if his co-Oscar winner will make a revenge Holiday Card sitting on Jay Leno’s lap when he sees this just like he did when Damon recorded a video with Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel and him made their own special video as retaliation? I am sure The Tonight Show host would be up for it and he does have that photobooth they can use. Hey Leno please take me up on it!