Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » December
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Sinead O’Connor’s marriage lasts less than a 1/4th of Kim Kardashian’s
December 27th, 2011 under Divorce. [ Comments: none ]

Sinead O’Connor announced on her website today that she ended her marriage on Christmas Eve, just 16 short days after she walked down a Las Vegas aisle. She wrote a long note saying that people around her husband were not happy with him marrying her and it was too much for him so she “set him free”. She wrote, “From the moment myself and my husband got together not long ago, there was intense pressure placed upon him by certain people in his life, not to be involved with me. These were people who had never met me but had formed opinions of me based on what they read about ‘Sinead ‘O’Connor’ in the media etc. Entitled as they are to their opinions about me many perhaps well deserved, there was no righteousness on anyone’s part to put my husband through what he was put through as a result of his desire to be with me and to marry me and as a result of his actually marrying me.”
She declared throughout the letter over and over again that she loves him, but she couldn’t let him to continue to go through what he was going through. She wrote towards the end of her statement, “Please pray for my lovely husband to be ok and do not worry about me as I have had plenty of practice in these matters. I am in a good place in life. And happy. I believe in and am committed wholeheartedly to happiness. Nothing knocks that. My only concern is that my husband be happy.”
She then concluded her long message with, “so now u can all go ahead and have a great laugh, media wise, and be horrid if u desire to. But that’s my record set straight.”
Since she was so honest about what went wrong and why she decided to end her marriage, I will not give her too much grief about it. So instead I will say “Take that Kim Kardashian.” That’s how you end a marriage so shortly after you began it.


Hot Links!
December 26th, 2011 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Which actor needs to keep his shirt on and worse hair? – Celebitchy
Sexy Santa Clauses! – Swoonworthy
Who had a secret baby in July? – Dlisted
Demi Lovato is mad at Disney – Popbytes
Taylor Lautner is "coming out" in People? – Rickey
McFly can't keep their McFly's up – Tabloid Prodigy
Khloe Kardashian was actually a pretty teen – Amy Grindhouse

Women like to squeeze their own breasts?
December 26th, 2011 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud continues its trend of not always being family friendly with the questions they ask, even though the people answering them are suppose to be. When Steve Harvey asked, “Name something women like to squeeze?” the contestant responded with “their breasts!” and shuttered after he realized what he said. What made his response so shocking to Steve Harvey and me is that he is a Pastor and the host wasn’t going to let him get away with that. Harvey went off in a rant that had me in hysterics and I know it will do the same for you!
BTW that wasn’t the only funny part in this video, look at the board to see something else women like to squeeze and what the show called those things…


BTWF roles: Beth Behrs in American Pie Presents: The Book of Love
December 26th, 2011 under 2 Broke Girls, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Beth Behrs was a former rich girl working as a waitress in Two Broke Girls, she was just a girl in high school in American Pie Presents: The Book of Love. How cute was the 23 year old in that 2009 movie.


Simon Cowell’s black shirts are getting tighter and sheerer
December 26th, 2011 under American Idol 9+, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Simon Cowell is on vacation in the Barbados and I thought he was wearing one of his usual tight black shirts on the beach. Then when I looked closer, I realized that he wasn’t wearing a shirt but instead it was his hairy chest. Whoops!
BTW I love how his moobs and him think that they have The X Factor when they see two pretty woman walking by. Wonder if he made it through to next round…their hotel room?


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