Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Women like to squeeze their own breasts?
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[ # ] Women like to squeeze their own breasts?
December 26th, 2011 under Steve Harvey

Family Feud continues its trend of not always being family friendly with the questions they ask, even though the people answering them are suppose to be. When Steve Harvey asked, “Name something women like to squeeze?” the contestant responded with “their breasts!” and shuttered after he realized what he said. What made his response so shocking to Steve Harvey and me is that he is a Pastor and the host wasn’t going to let him get away with that. Harvey went off in a rant that had me in hysterics and I know it will do the same for you!
BTW that wasn’t the only funny part in this video, look at the board to see something else women like to squeeze and what the show called those things…


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