Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » December
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Merry Christmas!
December 25th, 2011 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

I hope you woke up this Christmas morning getting everything you want and then some! And don’t be sad that Christmas is over in a few hours, just think in 6 months we get to start preparing for it all over again!
Here is some mistletoe love on this beautiful Christmas day! XXXX
Seriously? OMG! WTF?


How to wrap presents for Christmas!
December 24th, 2011 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

I love the way that Jimmy Kimmel tortures his Aunt Chippy and this one is perfect for all of us who have to wrap presents for our Christmas gatherings tonight and tomorrow. So sit back and enjoy as she uses the same language we use as we struggle to cut, wrap and tape paper around the presents.
Merry F*cking Christmas Eve!


George Michael is lucky to be alive!
December 23rd, 2011 under George Michael. [ Comments: none ]

George Michael was hospitalized in Austria over a month ago for pneumonia and today he is finally back home in The UK and breaking his silence about his hospital stay. What we didn’t know is that it was really touch and go for the singer while he battled pneumonia. You can tell he was still weak and struggling to breath at times as he talked to reporters and told them that doctors spent three weeks trying to keep him alive. He would not go into detail about how bad it was because he says that he wants to protect his family from how bad it was. He apologized for not commenting before now and said he was not up to doing so. He added with voice cracking as he said this, “I spent the last 10 days since I woke up literally thanking people for saving my life which is something I have never had to do before and never want to do again.” I think that shows how severe his illness was. The singer whose one of his biggest hits is called Faith, has found it after his hospital stay.
It seems like he is a new man who is not taking life for granted anymore which is something he hopes he does because I would love to see him live and alive!
After the reporters left, he was back on Twitter and Tweeted “I’m back and I’m proud, though not very loud…… (which, I assure you, will be temporary!) MERRY XMAS TO ALL OF YOU! ISN’T LIFE GRAND !! X”


Rebecca Romijn gave up John Stamos for Jerry O’Connell
December 23rd, 2011 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn, Jimmy Fallon, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

Jerry O’Connell was on Late Night yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to play Beer Shuffleboard. The fat kid from Stand By Me downed a full mug of beer with one gulp before the game even started and then let out a burp so loud it felt like a minor earthquake. Rebecca Romijn must be so proud of her husband. Can you believe after that that she gave up being married to John Stamos to be married to him. Actually she is lucky a woman because he is a really nice guy, just wouldn’t want to be around him when he burps.
BTW the NBC late night host also tried to down the beer in one chug and he barely made halfway down the mug. So even though they tied in the game, the guy who lost his pen!s in Piranha 3D won the night! So drink mother f*cker, drink mother d*cker, drink!


I want Conan O’Brien as a boss!
December 23rd, 2011 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

At Conan O’Brien’s TBS late note show they do Secret Santa for the holidays. One lucky worker got Conan, himself, as her gift giver. Watch this video to see what he gave her and don’t tell me you don’t want to work for him too.
Hey Conan if you are hiring, I am looking!!!


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