Taryn Manning Tweeted the above picture and said, “Me and my Hawaii Five-O brother Alex O’ loughlin on set. Yes I’m injured pretty badly…lol” So does that mean that the Moonlight vampire did that to her no? Nope thankfully the person responsible for all of those bruises was the makeup department at the hit CBS show.
Before Patrica Heaton had to deal with her tough mother-in-law Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond, she had to deal with the tough Matlock. That is one interesting hairdo the 32 year actress in that 1990 episode.
Jimmy Kimmel Live followed Tom Bergeron around for a day and we get to see what the Dancing with the Stars host goes through when the cameras aren’t rolling. Stars will literally do anything for their shot of being on Dancing with the HasBeens. Even “Stars” who have been on the show will do crazy things to get back on the dance floor. I’ll tell just with sample of the names caught on camera that day, I would so watch the show if Charo, Andy Dick and Jerry Springer were vying for the mirror ball trophy next season, wouldn’t you? Although I will miss the late Tom Bergoron hosting!
via David Arquette’s Twitter
So remember in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory every time one of the Golden Ticket winners ate a forbidden candy, the Oompa Loompas would take them away? Well I want to know what candy Joe Jonas ate because whatever got the little orange men to come and take him away, is something we need to give to other annoying celebrities. Sorry Joe I wish I could it was nice knowing you, but just like Veruca Salt we’re not going to miss you.
Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-do
I have another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doom-pa-da-dee
If you are wise, you’ll listen to me
The normally dapper Brendan Fraser was looking anything but, so I had to wonder if he had hit some hard times because you know his last few movies haven’t done so well. Nope turns out that he just doing a Broadway Show called Elling and that is costume for the play.