Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » November
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BTWF reality shows: Ke$ha on The Simple Life
November 17th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Ke$ha was worried about her First Kiss, she was worried about her mother’s with the guy Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie chose for her on The Simple Life. You can barely recognize the 17 year old singer in that 2004 episode.


P!nk’s baby announcement!
November 17th, 2010 under Pink. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Ellen)

I know we all know that P!nk is pregnant because the story broke last week and she confirmed it on Ellen today, so I am why I am posting her baby announcement? Well I thought what she Tweeted about the baby news was so cute that I had to share it with you!

ok tweethearts: here’s my own personal official whatever…… Carey Hart knocked me up and i don’t know how to tell my dad. what do i say?

maybe I’ll ask him to watch @theellenshow today:) tee hee. no, we’re very happy, and I can eat whatever I want. thanks for all the love:)

my daddy is very happy for us:) and my mom wishes me a daughter “just like me.” yikes. thanks mom.

we haven’t told Bubba yet. and no one better tell him! he is going to be DEVASTATED. poor little guy. (my smallest baby dog)

My wish for this pregnancy, besides a healthy happy baby, is for the paparazzi to LEAVE US ALONE and let me gain my weight in PEACE. #mywish

Thanks to Twitter, celebrities are finding new and interesting ways to break their own news and I love how the rock star is not be all So What about good news!


Eva Longoria is no longer a Desperate Housewife to Tony Parker
November 17th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Eva Longoria has filed for divorce from her husband of three years Tony Parker. The actress confirmed her news on Twitter by Tweeting, “It is with great sadness that after 7 years together, Tony and I have decided to divorce. We love each other deeply and pray for each other’s happiness.”
She confirmed to her BFF Mario Lopez on Extra the Us Weekly story was true by saying, “she found hundreds of text messages from another woman on Parker’s phone, who turned out to be the wife of one of the NBA player’s teammates.” She also told him that Tony did cheat on her earlier in their marriage and continued communicating with that woman on Facebook. This is reportedly not the first time a husband has cheated on her, there were rumors her first husband Tyler Christopher cheated on her with one of his General Hospital co-stars.
According to People, she is seeking spousal support. I guess you can say the ball is now in her court…divorce court!
BTW even though they have split, we will have them singing Summer Loving to remember them by…

UPDATE: ESPN’s Bryan Graham Tweeted that a source told him who the woman is that Tony is rumored to have had an affair with him, “Have it on good authority from entertainment sources that “former teammate” in Tony Parker-Eva Longoria affair is Brent Barry. Don’t have much else on Parker/Longoria affair. Source did mention Barry and wife are going through a divorce.” Her name is Erin and here is a picture of her with her soon-to-be-ex-husband, she kind of looks a little like the Desperate Housewife in that picture.

(photo from The Huffington Post)


I thought Courteney Cox and David Arquette split?
November 17th, 2010 under Courteney Cox, Friends (cast), The Arquettes. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks ago Courteney Cox and David Arquette announced that after 11 years their marriage had gone into the gutter and yesterday at the Old Navy Presents Rock & EBowl To Benefit The EBMRF it looks like their marriage will be spared. I think if he can keep his mouth shut for a while the two of them will be back together faster than they can bowl a strike.


When did Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker give birth to Harry Potter?
November 17th, 2010 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: none ]

Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker attended the Harry Potter premiere with their son James and posed with the wizard himself Daniel Radcliffe. Looking at the picture he looks more like their son than their own one. How crazy is that? Now we know if Girls Just Want to Have Fun and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off had sex it would have given birth to Harry Potter.


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