Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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When Joaquin Phoenix met Diddy
September 8th, 2010 under Joaquin Phoenix, P Diddy. [ Comments: none ]

I’m Still Here is coming out on Friday and you can see the moment when Joaquin Phoenix met his rap music manager Diddy. I wonder how Puff Daddy would have reacted if the cameras weren’t there, I have a feeling it would have been a much different conversation.
BTW I think it is a hoax because ir seems as soon as the movie was done filming, he shaved off that nasty beard and cut off that untamed mane. If he were serious about being a rapper, he would’ve kept his look and not gotten rid of it…don’t you agree? Having said that, I still want to see the movie.


BTWF ads: Gail O’Grady for Diet Pepsi
September 8th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Gail O’Grady was a mom on Hellcats, she was just a single lady asking her cute neighbor for a Pepsi. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 24 in that 1987 commercial.
Side note: I knew that Michael J Fox was part of the infamous Super Bowl commercial, but I never realized that the mom from American Dreams was also in it!


Start cheering for Hellcats tonight!
September 8th, 2010 under The CW. [ Comments: 2 ]

Tonight at 9p on The CW, Hellcats my new favorite show of the fall season is going to premiere and I am not just saying that because Gale Harold is going to guest star on the show. I should start off by saying I am sucker for cheerleader movies like Bring It On and that might be why I love this show so much, but it is more than just that.
Marti (Alyson Michalka) is attending the university on a scholarship, at least she thought she was but the one she was on was cancelled and now she has to find a new one ASAP. When she finds out that she can get one by cheerleading, she decides to try out for the team even though she has no experience and she pissed off the captain (Ashley Tisdale) the day beforehand. Savanah is one of those cheerleaders who lives, eats and breaths school spirit and cheerleading, so she understands she is in it to win it and Marti has what it takes! So she let’s her on the team because Marti adds something new to their cheers, but not everyone feels the same way. Alice who hurt her wrist when a cheer routine goes wrong, but that is not the only thing that is going wrong for her. She is not a fan of Marti’s and she will do anything to knock her off the pyramid. Wait until you see what she does to mess with her because it is really bitchy!
Besides having her new cheerleader friends, Marti has a BFF played by the gorgeous Matt Barr and her super dependent mom played by the talented Gail O’Grady.
It is so easy to root for the cast in this show and the premise is a lot of fun! You will find yourself cheering along with them as they do their moves and producer Kevin Murphy said they will be doing at least one cheer a week! But even if you take cheering out of the mix, Hellcats is the type of show you will find yourself addicted to instantly.
So start cheering for Hellcats tonight on The CW at 9p and keep on cheering every Wednesday at the same time!
Also at 8p check out the new season of America’s Next Top Model where the girls are getting Italian Vogue this season. The new batch are going to be just as good this season as they have been in years past, but they are a little more high fashion!


Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox photographed in Cougar Town!
September 8th, 2010 under Bill Lawrence, Courteney Cox, Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]

(photo from ABC)

A few weeks ago ABC announced that Jennifer Aniston is going to guest star on her Friend Courteney Cox’s ABC show Cougar Town on September 22nd and now we are seeing both of them on the set together. Monica and Rachel look just like they did when they did Friends together all those years ago, except Courteney’s grey hairs are really showing in that last picture. Joking, it was too easy not to go there!
BTW here is how ABC described Jen’s part on the show, “Jules finds an instant connection with her new shrink, Glenn (Aniston), until she discovers the unfortunate but hilarious truth about her method of treatment; Ellie is jealous over Jules’ fondness for Glenn.” I can’t wait to see what her “method of treatment” is, for some reason I have a feeling it will be something sexual? Maybe another same-sex kiss between the two?


I can’t kiss and tell about Psych’s summer finale!!!
September 8th, 2010 under USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p is the summer season finale of USA’s Psych and something huge is going to happen. The episode is not as much as about the exciting case, but what happens during the show! I don’t want to spoil you, but it is a game changer and you are not going to want to miss it.
Oh and did I mention that Lost’s Nestor Carbonell is back for another episode as Juliette’s boyfriend…that is a hint!!! Do you have Shaun’s psychic ability to figure out what happens???


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