Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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Fringe bloopers!
September 15th, 2010 under Bloopers, Fox. [ Comments: none ]

Fringe is witty drama and it is great to see the cast have some fun when things don’t go as plan. Anna Torv can definitely make some interesting faces and Joshua Jackson seems likes a great guy to work with. I was hoping there would be bloopers from John Noble, but I guess we can’t get everything.
One thing we will get is new episodes starting next Thursday at 9p!


BTWF roles: Jimmy Smits in Miami Vice
September 15th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jimmy Smits was a Supreme Court Justice on Outlaw, he was a cop on Miami Vice. He looks exactly the same now as he did when he was 29 in that 1984 episode.


Eric Stonestreet and Ken Jeong having it out on Twitter
September 15th, 2010 under Ken Jeong, Modern Family. [ Comments: none ]

(photos from WireImage)

Modern Family’s Eric Stonestreet sent a Tweet to Community’s Ken Jeong basically asking him if he had a problem with him and now the two are having it out on Twitter.

@kenjeong hey ken. Why r u always giving me the stink eye at events? What did I do to u? I think u are super funny, so what gives?

@ericstonestreet I’d rather not talk about it in public, Eric Stonestreet. Thank god this is a private direct message and not a tweet.

@kenjeong uh Ken? This IS a public tweet and you just admitted you DO have an issue with me.

@ericstonestreet I don’t have a problem with you, tubby. Again, thank god this is a private email.

@kenjeong who u callin tubby, neddle dick?!

@ericstonestreet Okay dude, whatever. Remember that 2001 film audition? I do.

@kenjeong what r u talking about!? Maybe u didn’t, but I had a just FEW more than 1 audition in 2001. Can’t we just b happy 4 each other?

@ericstonestreet Wow. U really don’t remember. And if u must know, I had 3 auditions in ’01, so there. Guess I won that argument.
@ericstonestreet You may have won an Emmy, but I did BET Comic View 3 years in a row. And last time I checked, 3 is greater than 1. #iwin

@kenjeong I know nothing about u. I just read you used to b a Dr. A Dr. of what? Proctology? Cause u seem like an asshole. #iwin

@ericstonestreet Wow. Jealous much? I have a pain in my ass and you, sir, are it. #selfdiagnosis

@kenjeong Yes Ken. I’m jealous. Jealous of you sir. But then, who isn’t?

@ericstonestreet U see? That is just like u, Eric. U say things like that and u make it impossible for me to hate u. #whenharrymetsally

@kenjeong I say we meet and figure this out.

@ericstonestreet Ur right, let’s meet up. We can work it out. There are bigger things happening here than me & you. #Beatles #Spiderman2

@kenjeong I DM u my number and u call and hang up? 5 times? Really Ken? Y r u scared 2 talk 2 me? Keep it up, and I tweet ur #

@ericstonestreet oops ,my houseboy tests out new phone # 5 times 2 see if they’re legit. so sorry, will call back #passiveaggressive

@kenjeong thanks for the voicemail ken. it almost seemed sincere. good luck with the upcoming season of your show.

@ericstonestreet Aww thanks, you too, broseph! Almost Sincere is the working title of my one man show. Actually, that’s a lie. #frenemy

I hope these two work it out because they are too funny to let something this unfunny come between them.
I don’t know about you, but I want to know what happened at the audition 9 years ago?

UPDATE: At first I thought this might have been two comedic actors trying to pull one over on us followers, but now it seems like they mean it. I guess we won’t see Ken on Modern Family or Eric on Community anytime soon…

UPDATE 2: I have a Hangover from their Twitter fight! Hopefully they will meet and hug it out!!! And if they do then their Tweets then maybe their Tweets will have a much different tone…


Sh!t William Shatner Says!
September 15th, 2010 under Betty White, William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

William Shatner recently sat down with Playboy and did an interview with the magazine. According to People the Sh!t My Dad Says had this to say about his Boston Legal co-star Betty White, “She’s really old. I think of her as an old friend. I mean an old friend. But listen, she’s got moves you wouldn’t believe. She’s totally flexible in the hip area. Her arms are stiff, but the hips? Totally flexible.” So is he saying she couldn’t give him a hand job, but can still work it in the sack like nobody’s business? OK, the image is totally stuck in my head now and I am sure yours too. Good thing he didn’t talk about her mouth…
BTW on that note you can watch them almost go head-to-head next Thursday when she guest stars on the season premiere of NBC’s Community at 8p and then he will follow her at 8:30p on CBS when his new sitcom Sh!t My Dad Says debuts!


Guess who is kissing?
September 15th, 2010 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who made me throw up in my mouth then click here!


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