Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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The many faces of Ed Norton!
September 30th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ed Norton was promoting his new movie Stone yesterday and boy did his hands have a lot to say about it. I know I called this post the many faces of, but I am thinking it should be the many hand gestures of Ed Norton. Who knew he talked so much with hands?
BTW why hasn’t he won an Oscar yet because he is one of the most talented actors of his generation.


Matt Dallas looking as hot as the hottest summer day in that city!!!
September 30th, 2010 under Freeform. [ Comments: none ]

Matt Dallas came out for the Luxury Collection Hotels and Resorts Launch the Spain Destination Guide event and Kyle XY looked really sexy! He was so hot he made LA’s record breaking weather day of 113 degrees seem like a cool one. Seriously has Mr No Belly Button Man always looked this scrumptious and why didn’t anyone tell me?
Can those eyes be anymore hypnotizing?


William Shatner and Betty White’s AARP sex tape?
September 30th, 2010 under Betty White, William Shatner. [ Comments: none ]

William Shatner was doing an interview with Vanity Fair and in it he broke the news that Betty White and him are making a sex tape for AARP.

Q; Say I wanted to trick you into talking about your affair with Betty White. How do I make that happen?
A; Quite easily. Betty and I have been lovers for awhile. That’s all out in the open. We’re going to do a sex tape for the A.A.R.P.

Q: You said in a recent interview that Betty’s “totally flexible in the hip area.” You do realize that you’ve given the world a mental image that can’t be un-thought?
A: I do realize that, and I stand by it. Her hips are very flexible. Although to be fair, it’s held together by rubber bands. (Laughs.)

Q: Is there anything on your body that’s still flexible?
A; My left pinkie. That’s pretty much it. You should see it flex. But other than that, it’s… (Laughs.) Oh god, you’re getting me to say things I shouldn’t. You’re dangerous!

Q: O.K., one more question. You wear a toupee. We all know it, it’s obvious, but you won’t admit it. How long are you going to hold on to this ruse? Is it a mystery you’ll be taking to your grave?
A: Probably. But if it’s any consolation, that’s not very long from now.

I think he’s joking, at least I pray he is joking because that is one sex tape even though I wouldn’t want to see it I know would wind up watching it over and over again.


The two whitest guys to take on rap since Glee’s Matthew Morrison!
September 30th, 2010 under Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Timberlake was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and the two did an ode to rap and hip hop songs yesterday during the show. After watching that video, could those two be any whiter? Seriously their rapping was as bad as Matthew Morrison’s on Glee. Although when they got two of the songs he did on the Fox show, I think they did a better job with it but not by much.
BTW is it just me or could Justin Timberlake play Mr Shue’s brother on Glee?


RIP Tony Curtis
September 30th, 2010 under Obits, Tony Curtis. [ Comments: none ]

Legendary actor Tony Curtis passed away yesterday at age of 85 from a heart attack according to The LA Times. His daughter Jamie Lee Curtis released this statement about her father’s passing, “My father leaves behind a legacy of great performances in movies and in his paintings and assemblages. He leaves behind children and their families who loved him and respected him and a wife and in-laws who were devoted to him. He also leaves behind fans all over the world. He will be greatly missed.” He really will be, so today watch one of the movies like Some Like Hot, The Defiant Ones, Sweet Smell of Success or one of the other 100 films that he that will let his legacy live on forever!

Here are some Tweets about his passing:
Jason Alexander: Once met Tony Curtis at a farmer’s market. He was odd and funny and charming. He made a great contribution. RIP, sir. Best to Jamie Lee.
Ralph Macchio: Spent few days shooting a film w/Tony Curtis. Some of the greatest stories he shared w/me. Iconic experience. Was my privilege. RIP
Nia Vardalos: RIP Tony Curtis – 1st actor we spotted when we moved to LA. He was rockin’ a bolero jacket at Spago. Ah, perfect.
Melissa Gilbert: Awww jeez. Just heard about Tony Curtis. He knew and loved my father very much. I loved Tony. I will muss him. My love, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends


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