Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » July
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What does it mean Neil Patrick Harris and a double rainbow?
July 20th, 2010 under How I Met Your Mother, Neil Patrick Harris. [ Comments: none ]

Neil Patrick Harris Tweeted a picture of him while he was driving with a double rainbow in the background and he said, “Pic from even earlier in the drive: Oh my god! AAAH! It so bright, and so vivid! AAAAAH! (sob) It’s so beautiful!” Legen-wait for it-dary Tweet from Barney Stinson, but do you expect any less from the How I Met Your Mother star?
So what does it mean when you see NPH with a double rainbow? It means you have a triple rainbow that ends with a golden man, you know because he is a natural blond!!! Now that I think about it, if NPH was shorter I could totally see him as a Leprechaun. Couldn’t you?
BTW when it comes to Double Rainbow Guy, he is going to be on Jimmy Kimmel Live this week! No offense Jimmy, but I would prefer him getting a Web Redemption on Tosh.0 instead.


White Collar bloopers!!!
July 20th, 2010 under Bloopers, John Cusack. [ Comments: none ]

via Jeff Eastin’s Twitter
The first season of White Collar is out on DVD and that means we are getting the blooper reel from the hit USA show! It is so cool to see that they have just as much fun on the set as we have watching the show. Seriously doesn’t it look like Tim DeKay and Matt Bomer are totally enjoying working together. I almost wish WC was a sitcom because you know they would be hysterical together! Plus the best part of the gag reel hearing Matt Bomer curse, especially when we get a close up of his eyes as he does it!
BTW tune in for a new episode of White Collar on USA tonight at 9p to find out why Neal will spend the day in bed with one of the female agents and why Peter and Mozzie have to work together in a major pinch!


Justin Bieber is old enough to drive?
July 20th, 2010 under Justin Bieber. [ Comments: 4 ]

Fame Picture
16 year old teen sensation Justin Bieber was photographed driving a Lamborghini in LA yesterday. When the heck did he get old enough to drive? And when did he have time to learn how to drive between touring and making teen girls go crazy for him?
BTW can some one tell me where he is driving, so I will know to avoid those streets when he is on the road. I am seriously not sure what scares me more about driving in LA celebs who drink and drive or Justin Bieber driving? It is a toss up for me!


Remember Phoebe Cates?
July 20th, 2010 under Remember?. [ Comments: 2 ]

Phoebe Cates attended the premiere of her husband’s new movie The Extra Man with their daughter Greta and she looks exactly the same as she did in 1982 film where men began to fantasize about her in that infamous scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Can you believe she just turned 47 on the 16th? She doesn’t look anywhere near that.
Hopefully now that her son is in college and her daughter is in her late teens, she will get back into acting again. Even though she only did a few movies there were some classics like Fast Times, Private School and Shag.
For you boys here is that scene that made her legendary:


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still in love!
July 20th, 2010 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 1 ]

Brad Pitt took the mother of his children to the premiere of her new movie Salt and even with 6 kids to keep them busy you can tell that these two are still in love. He can’t even keep his hand off her butt. He looks so good with a little stubble as compared to that Billy Goat beard. I just wish Angelina would put on some weight because she is way too skinny.


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