Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Attend Freshman Father tonight!
June 5th, 2010 under Hallmark. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on Hallmark Channel Freshman Father premieres and you will want to attend this movie!
Imagine you are 18 years old, you get into Harvard and your girlfriend tells you she is pregnant, what would you do? Well John Patton marries his girlfriend and takes her out of their small town and moves her to Boston with him. Now he is a freshman in college who is married and has a baby on the way. Not only does he have to worry about doing well at one of the most prestigious schools even though the Dean is against him, he is also has to work to to support his family. After the baby comes, his wife can’t handle the pressure and moves back home without the baby. Now he has to raise to the baby on his own and he gets kicked out of the campus apartment because he is not married. So he stuck with the baby, classes and trying to find a place to live. Luckily he finds a place with a great woman who helps him out, but he still has to deal with everything else including failing a class which means he will get kicked out of school. Will he be able to make it on his own? Will he fail out of school? Can he still be a good dad with all the pressure in his life? Tune in to Hallmark Channel at 9p to find out and watch a truly inspirational story about how when life hands you lemons you can still make lemonade! And make sure to have tissues on hand because you will need them.


BTWF game shows: Ryan Seacrest hosting Click
June 4th, 2010 under American Idol 1-5, Before They Were Famous, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

via VFTW
Before Ryan Seacrest hosted American Idol, he hosted Click! Boy were the 22 year old’s tips beyond frosted in that 1997 game show. We thought it was bad now, but his hair was so much worse then.


Spotted a mug shot of Chace Crawford!
June 4th, 2010 under Gossip Girl, Mug Shot. [ Comments: 1 ]

Hey, Manhattan and the gossip blogs are all lit up because Chace Crawford was arrested for alleged possession of pot in Plano, Tx according to TMZ. A source told them the Gossip Girl star was busted outside of a pub in a car with an unlit joint with another person. He bailed out shortly after his arrest. He could face a $2,000 fine or a maximum sentence of 6 months or both. For some reason I think he will get the first one. No word what he was doing Plano, Tx and who was in the car with him.
According to Star Magazine, it seems a little like life might be imitating his art because in his upcoming movie Twelve he plays drug user. According to the mag he had this to say about the role, “I’m a drug dealer,” Crawford adds. “Parents are proud of that. He’s not an addict, he kind of had to peddle marijuana to get by and he’s the center of the story and drives the storyline and ties up the plotlines and twists. It’s cool.” And it doesn’t stop there because they also pointed out in the Gossip Girl book series, Nate Archibald has a pot problem. I wonder if The CW will now incorporate or get rid of that storyline from the upcoming season? I have a feeling we will never spot Nate anywhere near a joint on the show.
BTW I am not sure if is more unhappy that he was arrested or that he didn’t get to smoke that joint because he looks so pissed in that mug shot. I am thinking it is the first one. About time we got a mug shot that shows the severity of the crime and not one that looks like a head shot.


Katherine Heigl actually thinks she is Emmy worthy again
June 4th, 2010 under Katherine Heigl. [ Comments: 4 ]

(photo from WireImage)

So two years ago Katherine Heigl dissed the Grey’s Anatomy writers by saying what they wrote for her wasn’t Emmy worthy. Then last year they gave her cancer on the show and she submitted herself for a nomination, but the Emmy voters looked her over. This year Katherine Heigl dissed the producers of the show because she had to work long hours reportedly to accommodate her movie promotion schedule, took a hiatus to film a movie (that looks like crap) and then another one for maternity leave when she adopter her daughter before eventually quitting the show. Having said all of that, she still thinks she is still Emmy worthy because she has submitted herself for a Best Supporting Actress nomination according to Hollywood Insider. I am assuming she did so because the writers gave her a cancer storyline, even though she really didn’t get to play it out this season because she left to do other things. Plus she didn’t even shave head like her character who lost her hair due to the chemo. If she shaved her head, I might consider it but she didn’t even do that. To be honest I barely even remember her on the show this season, and what I do remember is she screwed up every seen she was in. While everyone else was great in the episode where they killed off George, every time she was on the screen I stopped crying because her performance was so much of a dud. Once she started laughing hysterically during his funeral scene, the whole episode went 6 feet under to me. I really hope she doesn’t get the nom because there are so many reasons why I think she doesn’t deserve it. I hope the Emmy voters give it to someone who appreciates acting and is grateful for the roles they are cast in!!!


Hey Bradley Cooper that’s not Renee Zellweger!
June 4th, 2010 under Bradley Cooper. [ Comments: none ]

Bradley Cooper was seen kissing someone at the A-Team premiere yesterday that totally didn’t look like Renee Zellweger. To be honest I don’t care that he is kissing Brett Ratner, what attracted to me to this picture is what a sweet kisser he looks to be. Seriously that face with those dimples, who doesn’t wish they were Brett Ratner at that moment. What a kisser! I wonder what else he is good at? You know what they say about if you are a good kisser, then you are good at everything else!!!


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