Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Hot Links!
June 29th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Is that a wedding ring? – INF Daily
Elijah Wood gets a new job – ICYDK
Kate Gosselin scares me – Bricks and Stones
Katie Price hurts our ears again – Holy Moly!
Coco wears a bikini 10 sizes to small – Dlsited
Jennifer Hudson breaks her silence – Celebitchy
Who is the most powerful celebrity? – Popbytes
AnnaLynne McCord blows a kiss – Amy Grindhouse
Who knew that could make a cool coat? – Ayyyy!
Jason Bateman explains himself again – Gabby Babble
You'll never believe who was almost the Terminator – AB


The Prankster doesn’t look that funny
June 29th, 2010 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

If a movie is called The Prankster, I expect to see pranks in the trailer. Not just you average pranks, but ones that are so monumental that it makes you want to go see the movie when it comes out on September 28th. But all I got out of that trailer is that I feel I was pranked into thinking that was movie about a Prankster.


BTWF roles: Brian Austin Green on Highway to Heaven
June 29th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Brian Austin Green. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 6:40 in)

Before Brian Austin Green was playing with fire by marrying Megan Fox, he was playing with fire on Highway to Heaven. How cute was the 13 year old actor in that 1987 episode.


Larry King Live is dead!
June 29th, 2010 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Larry King announced today that he is quitting his show on CNN in the fall after 25 years. I am sad to see him go because his interviews were always interesting because you never what was going to happen because he never knew who he was interviewing.
I think it is huge a$$ mistake on CNN’s part for letting him go because he is the biggest name that they have left on the network and he brings in the names because he does such soft interviews. Plus he is their highest ratings getter. They never will be able to get anyone to replace him.
Seriously what is happening to the Chicken Noodle News? In the last year they lost Lou Dobbs, Christian Amapour and now Larry King and all they got as a replacement is a governor who was forced to resign because he hired a call girl(s). Oh well at least they have they have the ever so exciting Wolf Blitzer, I say sarcastically.
Finally I wonder how long it will be until Anderson Cooper jumps from the sinking ship. I bet he will be out when he is contract ends, if he lasts that long.

UPDATE: Yesterday on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson he did a tribute to the soon-to-be-departed Larry King in a way only he could…Larry King of the Jungle!


Shay Mitchell talks about Pretty Little Liars
June 29th, 2010 under Freeform. [ Comments: none ]

Shay Mitchell plays Emily Fields on Pretty Little Liars that airs Tuesdays on ABC Family at 8p, and this pretty little liar has a big secret and she recently talked to me about that secret.
Shay described Emily as “the sweetest of the bunch. I wouldn’t hurt a fly, peace maker, wants everything to be good and comfortable for all the girls.” So I asked her how much of her character is like her and she said she is loyal to them and she will never reveal their secrets…unlike A!
So what is Emily’s secret? Well as we saw during the first episode she kissed a girl and she liked it. But as Shay told me there is more than just meets the eye. Emily is trying to figure who she is and she is dealing with her sexuality. Does she like boys or girls? Because Emily comes from a conservative family, she doesn’t have anyone to talk to and she said that is hurting her. At this point she is not a lesbian and she is not straight, but she is exploring. As we have seen she did have a boyfriend before that kiss and that did not work out so well for her. But could the guy who saved from a bad situation be her homecoming date or could it be her new female neighbor who moved into the wrong house or could she go alone? Shay seemed very coy on who her date will be, and I know I am not the only one who can’t wait to find out.
And as much as I can’t wait to find that out, Shay couldn’t wait to read the PLL books when she got the part. So I had to find out after reading the books if Emily was the character she wanted to play or was there someone else she had in mind? You will have to watch the above interview with the adorable and sweet Shay Mitchell to find out!
BTW Pretty Little Liars is such a hit that ABC Family has ordered 12 more episodes from the show bringing the total to 22!!!


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