Bret Michaels made a glorious return to the finale of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice and heard the two words “You’re hired” from Donald Trump! As if there was any doubt.
It is still amazing to me that a month after we weren’t sure if Bret Michaels would be alive to see the finale of the show, he was able to be there (a)live. His spirit to live was enough for the win, but the way he played the game is why he brought home the prize for his charity. Congrats!
Back in March the Lost EPs Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were on Jimmy Kimmel Live and they did one of his joke bits called Secrets of Lost. In it the two said something that I was hoping was untrue, but after watching tonight’s finale we found out it was true.
Damon: People ask by the end of the last season, will we finally understand what’s really going on?
Carlton: Nope.
I seriously feel jipped by that ending. Especially since they said the whole time that wasn’t the case. That is all I can say about it, unless someone can explain it to me.
BTW now I know why Darlton pre-taped their appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live: Aloha to Lost…because after that ending they had to go into hiding. Hell hath no fury like a Lost fan scorned. BTW was that hell under the plug? Oy.
UPDATE: James Gunn summed it up perfectly in this Tweet, “LOST was sort of like a weak orgasm at the end of a great f*ck.” Amen, brother.
Fox is so happy with Glee that it is has picked up the show for a third season even though the first season’s finale has yet to air according to Entertainment Weekly.
Here’s my question will we still care by then? I am already starting to get bored with the show. It is becoming too much about the guest star or the music of the weeks themes. Go back to the story of a Glee club who sings songs during rehearsals and let’s keep it that way and I will still be interested. But when the show is more about who can they get to guest on the show or whose music will be featured this week it takes away from the feel of the show that we used to love. That and someone needs to teach Lea Michele to stop singing like she is constipated and someone else needs to teach Matthew Morrison some new moves because the old ones suck and have basically gotten old.
So until it gets back on track I will Imagine how good it used to be.
There are Seven Deadly Sins and by the end of this 2-part Lifetime Movie Network that airs tonight and tomorrow at 8p wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony will be committed with a deadly consequence!
Kaia moves to Grace, Ca and shakes thing up at her new quiet high school. She quickly befriends the popular crowd and goes from unknown to the most popular immediately. Her new status causes problems and friends do things to the other ones with a deadly consequence. As the town sheriff tries to find out how of one of the teens dies, a lot of secrets will be revealed (including her own) in a Seven Deadly Sins way. Find who commits which sin and how tonight and tomorrow at 8p on LMN in that fast paced movie with twists and turns and reveal you will never see coming.
Before Justin Bieber was known for his hair, he barely had any in this video of his mom filming him singing Brian McKnight’s Back at One in the bathroom. Good thing he decided to grow his hair out because I don’t think he would be the international sensation that he is now with whatever hairstyle he had back then. That look so doesn’t work for him. Seriously what is up with the etchings?
I am not sure how old he is in the video, but considering it was posted in 2007, I am assuming he was 13. And for those of you have seen this before, I haven’t and Justin Bieber was the one who Tweeted it making what is old, new again. Oh and I might not like his hair in that video, but he Tweeted this with the video, “FLASHBACK to one of my best haircuts and brushing teeth sessions. haha – “