Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » October
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Henry Winkler’s scary Halloween tips!
October 27th, 2009 under Craig Ferguson, Halloween, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler was on the Late Late Show last night and he gave Craig Ferguson some tips how you can make your Halloween parties even scarier, but something they learned about each other from a past Halloween party was scarier than any tip he could’ve given him.
I say this everytime that either Henry Winkler or Betty White are on the Late Late Show, but I just love when they are on because they are just so funny with Craig. Tonight on CBS at 12:35a Craig gets funny with Alicia Silverstone!


What happened to Fantasia?
October 27th, 2009 under American Idol 1-5. [ Comments: 2 ]

What happened to Fantasia? She actually looks beautiful. I am not used to seeing her look normal. It confuses me. I am so used to bashing her for what she is wearing or her hair and in these pictures I have nothing bad to say about her. Well I could mention the tattoos, but I don’t even feel like doing that. What do you think of the new and improved Fantasia?


California to become a no divorce state?
October 27th, 2009 under Divorce. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

California could go from a no-fault divorce state, to a no divorce state if a man has his way. According to the LA Times, John Marcotte has up until March 22, 2010 to get almost 700,000 signatures of registered voters to get his initiative banning divorce in California on the ballot next year. Here is the initiative.

ELIMINATES THE LAW ALLOWING MARRIED COUPLES TO DIVORCE. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the ability of married couples to get divorced in California. Preserves the ability of married couples to seek an annulment. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Savings to the state of up to hundreds of millions of dollars annually for support of the court system due to the elimination of divorce proceedings.

Couples can still get their marriages annulled, but they cannot get divorced if he gets his initiative passed into law. While part of me wants to think that this whole thing is just a big joke, California is not as liberal as we would like to think. Remember last year they said no to gay marriage, maybe now those same people will say no to ending marriages. What will Hollywood celebrities do if they can’t divorce?


Jonathan Jackson returns to General Hospital today
October 27th, 2009 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

Jonathan Jackson got Lucky twice because he is returning the role that made him a star today on ABC’s General Hospital. I have to admit I am not sure how I feel about this because I have watched GH on and off throughout the years and the only Lucky I have known was Greg Vaughn. Greg was reportedly let go when Jonathan Jackson said he wanted to return to the role he originated. The only reason why I am hoping it is a good thing because maybe this will give the writers a reason to write Lucky an interesting storyline. They have barely utilized him in the last few years and Luke and Laura’s son deserves better than that. The only other negative, is with Lucky back I think that means we will have a lot scenes with Elizabeth and she just bothers me. Do you think we are Lucky to have Jonathan Jackson back on General Hospital?


Hot Links!
October 26th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Amy Winehouse's 1st nip slip with her new boobs – Dlisted
The Jews of Glee! – Heeb!
Who quit Scientology? – Celebitchy
Chris Noth's son is too cute! – ICYDK
Lily Allen looks haggard – Holy Moly!
Whose sex tape is cuming soon? – PopEater
Lindsay Lohan can't keep her top on – Farandulista
Who was fired for having an affair? – Amy Grindhouse
Who says he did drugs 40' from Obama? – Gabby Babble
Who dress their 9 year old as a slutty witch? – Celeb Jihad
Which ex is Pete Doherty getting back with? – Agent Bedhead


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