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A mini-Happy Days reunion
March 11th, 2024 under Happy Days, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

While most of Hollywood was in Hollywood yesterday for the Oscars, Some of the Happy Days stars were in Kansas City at Planetcon.

Henry Winkler, Donny Most, and Anson Williams drew a large audience, even though their show debuted 50 years ago.

Proving great TV is timeless, even when the show takes place in a different era than the time it was being filmed.


Ron Howard and Henry Winkler reunite Down Under
February 7th, 2024 under Happy Days, Henry Winkler, Ron Howard. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler is in Australia to promote his autobiography Being Henry: The Fonz…and Beyond at events.

He is not the only actor from Happy Days having happy days in Sydney. Ron Howard has been there filming his movie Eden, which just wrapped.

So when Richie Cunningham heard his old upstairs neighbor was in a land Down Under, he had to go see him.

And we got this wonderful photo of seeing two people celebrating 50 years of friendship!

Who else wants a Happy Days reunion after seeing them together?


Which actor inspired Henry Winkler to create The Fonz’s voice?
November 29th, 2023 under Henry Winkler, Jennifer Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler has a soft-spoken voice in his everyday life. However, The Fonz’s voice is much more forceful. So, who was the inspiration behind his character’s accent?

Yesterday, when the beloved actor was on The Jennifer Hudson Show, he revealed the man behind his infamous voice. And it is someone we all know.

Winkler said that Happy Days was looking for a tall Italian man to play the role, but instead, “they got a short Jew.”

Right before the audition, the short Jew had worked with the Italian Stallion Sylvester Stallone on The Lords of Flatbush. So Winkler went in thinking, “What would Sly do?” when he introduced himself. And he kept that going when he landed the part that changed his life forever.

And now that you know that, all you will hear is Stallone when you see Arthur Fonzarelli talk. At least, I know that is what I will be doing!


Henry Winkler is no longer talking to Adam Sandler?
November 13th, 2023 under Adam Sandler, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]


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Adam Sandler was in Milwaukee for a show this weekend. And if you are in Milwaukee, what are you going to do? You are going to see the bronze statue of The Fonz!

And that is what The Waterboy did. However, he was surprised to find out that Coach Klein had nothing to say to him. In fact, he didn’t say anything at all.

I wonder what happened between the two of them?


Adam Sandler learns something shocking about Coach Klein
October 29th, 2023 under Adam Sandler, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Adam Sandler found out that Coach Klein wrote a book, so he couldn’t wait to read it. Because he can read! And when he did, he found out that Coach Klein is also The Fonz. Imagine how shocking that is for The Waterboy?

It’s almost as shocking to find out that both Coach Klein and The Fonz are also Henry Winkler. Mind blown.

To find out what else we will learn from Winkler, you can read his book Being Henry: The Fonz . . . and Beyond starting this Tuesday.


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