Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » February
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That’s the (hairy) pits, Halle Berry
February 20th, 2009 under Halle Berry. [ Comments: 1 ]

I guess motherhood is keeping Halle Berry really busy because she forgot to shave her pits before she went out in that dress. I am sure she won't be doing that again. 
And soon enough that will not be the only thing she will need to shave, she will be shaving her head for her next movie.

The Inglourious Basterds Posters are awesome!!!
February 20th, 2009 under Brangelina, Eli Roth, Quentin Tarantino. [ Comments: none ]

Empire Movie News got their hands on the first three teaser posters from Inglourious Basterds. Even though the subject matter is so ugly, I think the posters are beautiful, blood all!!! The cloudy darkened skies with the bloodied shiny weapons creates such powerful images. If those teaser posters are any hint how this movie is going to be, I think we are all going to walk out in awe in the powerfullness of it all.
Quentin Tarantino's WWII epic starring Brad Pitt and Eli Roth is coming out on August 21st and you can tell how I am so excited about this movie!!!
UPDATE: There is one more!

Hot Links!
February 19th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who looks better covered up? – Bricks and Stones
More Princess Suri Cruise – WIMB
Who dumped Clay Aiken? – Scandalist
Miley Cyrus' boyfriend is creepy – Dlisted
Does LeAnn Rhimes look pregnant? – Splash
Ellen DeGeneres is a Womanizer! – Celeb Warship
John Mayer spills Jen Aniston secrets – PopSugar
Angelina Jolie lookinmg really skinny again – ICYDK
Who broke up over a pregnancy scare? – Celebslam
WTF is up with Benicio Del Toro's hair? – Gabby Babble
How dare Hannah Montana cut out Dolly Parton – Celebitchy
Seen the house my tax dollars might by OctoMom – Candy Kirby
Shouldn't He Just Not That Into have used this promo device? – AB

I really like Danica Patrick now!
February 19th, 2009 under Sports figures. [ Comments: 13 ]

Indy Car female driver driving sensation Danica Patrick was asked by HoundsTV who should play her in the movie about her life if they made one. The speedster said Angelina Jolie, can you blame her? So why am I saying that I really like her now? Because when the 26 year old was asked about Jennifer Aniston, she said this about casting the 40 year old “I don’t think it would be age appropriate…She is older than me.” Me-ouch! I really enjoyed that, even though Jen won’t!!! Thanks Danica!!!
So who would I cast? I say Angie Harmon, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Christina Ricci. Who do you think?


Rihanna’s picture speaks for itself
February 19th, 2009 under Rihanna. [ Comments: 9 ]

TMZ acquired the first picture of what they say is Rihanna after the alleged attack by Chris Brown.
I will be honest I have avoided posting anything on the incident because I believed that there were two sides to the story and we hadn't really heard either. You know the expression that pictures can speak louder than words well I think that this picture that TMZ posted is doing just that.

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