Fox has chosen their new awesome game show Hole in the Wall to lead into the first Vice Presidential Debate on October 2nd. But not just any episode they chose the one with the Flavor of Love hos vs the Rock of Love sluts according to TV Week. Seriously that has to be the strangest night of television programming ever. I know Fox is considered “The Conservative” network, but did they have to go to such extremes to make Sarah Palin look good?
So tune into Hole in the Wall and the Vice Presidential Debate next Thursday to see if their programming choice actually works.
X17 Online
Britney Spears should get her extensions out and go with this look from now on!
BTW is it just me or does Britney Spears look a lot like Drew Barrymore with that wig?
Finally after months of waiting we get to see who Betty will choose on Ugly Betty tonight at 8p on ABC. Will it be Henry or Gio or a third person?
Then at 9p on Grey’s Anatomy be prepared for another season of us saying Seriously? Seriously! Is McDreamuy McDead? Or a McDad? And how will they torture Katherine Heigl…hopefully a lot!!!
Geffen Records is working with Sony to modernize The Partridge Family and bring it back to TV according to Variety.
Details surrounding the scripted remake are thin, but insiders said the show will take a tongue-in-cheek, modern-day approach to the original series.
Idea to revive “Partridge Family” came from discussions between Fair and Reveille managing director Howard Owens on ways they could develop a family show centered around the music business.
“We decided to take a shot at acquiring the original rights and resurrecting the show with a new spin,” Fair said.
You would think after the failed MTV search for the next Partridge Family that this concept would not be happening, but I guess they believe in the expression “If at first you don’t succeed. Try, try again.”
BTW what’s next The Brady Bunch?
Not even a MTV show to find the lead could save Legally Blonde The Musical! After less than 600 performances, Legally Blonde will be closing its doors on October 19th according to Let's hope Hollywood takes this as a sign not to turn this into a movie like the other movies turned into Broadway shows turned back into movies.