Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » April
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Eli Roth is going PG-13
April 24th, 2008 under Eli Roth. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo from WireImage)
Eli Roth is going soft with his next movie according to Reuters. He is working on a PG-13 Sci-Fi flick inspired by the recent blockbusters Transformers and Cloverfield.

"This will be my first big-budget, PG-13, mass-destruction movie," he said backstage at the music industry's NME Awards in Los Angeles. "I went total chaos and pandemonium."

"I feel like I pushed the violence in R movies about as far as I can push it. I feel like I'm bled out. I wanna switch it up," said the 36-year-old protege of Quentin Tarantino.

"Everyone I know has been saying 'When are you gonna do a movie my kids can see?' And finally, I'm gonna make a movie that 13-year-old kids can see."

But for us fans of his R rated movies, don't worry there will be extras on the DVD for us to enjoy! I can't wait to see what he does with the movie!
Back to the NME Awards he was the first presenter at their inaugural American Awards show last night, so I guess you can say he popped their cherry and everyone else got his sloppy seconds. BTW he was wearing a Prada suit and Ingmar Berman Shirt from CineFile Video!  

Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch again?
April 24th, 2008 under Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Courtney Hazlett has The Scoop that Tom Cruise might actually be allowed to sit/jump on Oprah’s couch again in May! Cruise has not been on Oprah Winfrey’s show since his crazy appearance back in 2005 where he declared that he was in love with Katie Homes in a way no other man has or ever should. Although the appearance has not been confirmed, with the 25th Anniversary coming up for Risky Business (per The Scoop) it would make sense because it looks like he won’t have any movies coming out any time soon.
Hopefully if and when he is back on Oprah she will replace the couch cushions with cement, I would love to see him jump on that! Sorry the sadist side of me came out!
And yes I know that is Craig Bierko doing the famous Oprah/Cruise appearance in Scary Movie 4, but I would rather look at Craig Bierko any day over Tom Cruise and Oprah Winfrey! Plus the SM4 version was more realistic!


Another funny Jimmy Kimmel Live! monologue!
April 24th, 2008 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

There were so many great jokes on last night’s monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that I had to post it all! Seriously besides missing revealing and unique interviews, you are missing water cooler worthy monologues. So tune into Jimmy Kimmel Live! Monday to Fridays on ABC at 12:06a!
Tonight he has Jean Smart and Ashlee Simpson, maybe he can finally get her to go on the record if she is pregnant or not.
This was not paid for by Jimmy Kimmel Live! but I am willing to take contributions from him! LOL!


A future American Idol!!!
April 24th, 2008 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: 1 ]

See Brooke White even a toddler can remember all the words, why can’t you!
But seriously how cute is he? Instead of Hey Jude, it should be Hey Cute!!!


Good Charlotte want Benji to say good riddance to Paris!
April 24th, 2008 under Good Charlotte, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)
Paris Hilton might be in love with Benji Madden, but Good Charlotte is not in love with her according to Daily Mirror.
A pal said: "Paris is desperately trying to fit in with the band, but she has outstayed her welcome. Everyone is hoping he'll wake up soon and dump her."
Well I guess having her part of their Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous is something the don't want to live with and I can't blame them!
BTW Paris and Benji Madden just celebrated their two month anniversary, wonder if they will make it to three. They won't if the band has anything to do with it.

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