Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » June
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Shocking – Paris Hilton is a horrible pet owner
June 21st, 2007 under Paris Hilton, Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Us Weekly
Page Six is reporting that Paris Hilton's neighbors are howling mad at the way she treats her pets. Here is what her neighbors said:
"She treats her animals horribly. They are always getting out and running around the neighborhood. She had a little orange kitty about a year ago that kept getting out and we kept telling her it was outside. She didn't seem like she cared, and then one day the cat got run over in the middle of the street and died. Not long after, little [Chihuahua] Tinkerbell came to my door and I left a note on her gate. Her assistant came over frantic and tried to offer me a $40 reward. I said, 'Don't insult me.' " Another neighbor said, "I found two little Chihuahuas of hers running up and down the street with cars and people going up and down. I put them in my bathroom and called Paris. Her assistant answered and said, 'You can't drop them off! Miss Hilton isn't home!' She took three hours to come get them. Meanwhile she lives five houses away."
If this is true, I hope she stays behind bars even longer than the 23 days. I hope the ASPCA reads this story and takes the animals aways. Because if she is not caring for them when they get out imagine how she is taking care of them when they are in the house? Throw away the key.
On another note Page Six is reporting that the Today Show is paying her $1 million to do her first post-jail interview. Jeff Zucker called her dad personally and made the offer that her father couldn't refuse. Which makes me wonder why is Zucker still running the network with morales like that? BTW Meredith Viera is the one that will be interviewing her, hopefully she will ask the $1 million dollar question because Paris is not worth that much. It should be a no holds barred interview for that price, but I am sure her parents put limitations on what they can ask. 

Fox picks up American Dad for a fourth season!
June 21st, 2007 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]

Fox announced that they have picked up Seth MacFarlane’s American Dad for a fourth season. While it might seem early to pick up a show before it’s third season has even started, animated shows take longer to produce so that is why they got the early pick up! I just love Seth MacFarlane, so I am so happy that this show will be back for more un-pc yucks!


Say a prayer for Jimmy Kimmel
June 21st, 2007 under Jimmy Kimmel, Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

My favorite night time talk show host Jimmy Kimmel was rushed to the hospital yesterday for an emergency appendectomy according to TMZ. He spokesperson said he “is resting comfortably and is looking forward to getting back to work.” ABC also confirmed that “Jimmy Kimmel Live” have been canceled until Kimmel recovers.” No word if Guillermo performed the surgery or if Cousin Sal was looking to see what Kimmel left him in the will just in case.
Please say a prayer with me that he is better by the time Paris Hilton is released because we need Jake Byrd and him to cover the release like no one else will.
Get well Jimmy Kimmel!!!


My mom said I could…
June 21st, 2007 under Ads, Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

I wish I would have known how to use that technique when I was growing up, the stuff I would have done with that power!
But seriously folks, condoms are good so use them!!! Especially the ones with the warming sensation lubricant on them!!!
Thanks Jessica!


Guess who is totally making out with a guy?
June 21st, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Think you know who would be that trashy then click here!


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